Sunday, April 25, 2010

Take that!

This is what the Admin @ FB says:

Save Dce everyone knows why we boycotted classes last was to show our unity & anger to the authorities &admin...
Classes are being resumed as we do not want to hamper the academics...the protest is still on and its will continue till we get back our DCE...
we are doing all the necessary legal work like RTIs,PIL etc..the whole alumni community is backing us...
u guys just need to trust us n be ready for call f duty wenevr we require ur support..


Save Dce everyone knows why we boycotted classes last was to show our unity & anger to the authorities &admin...

And what happened? NOTHING. The leaders got lucky because of an unfortunate fighting incident at our campus. And the real reason behind resumption of boycott was because Dr. A. Trivedi was not made the HoD of Civil. What Dr Trivedi has got to do with the obvious. He is the commander-in-cheap (chief)! The secondary demands have been adequately addressed or are in pipeline, see our earlier post here

Classes are being resumed as we do not want to hamper the academics...the protest is still on and its will continue till we get back our DCE...

Oh, well...they are resuming because you will do anything but put your own academic calendar or placements at stake. We know you are already planning for Departure! After putting us through all this mess (and 20 marks!) you only want to save yourself and let all of us suffer? Is this the sacrifice of your leaders friends? Is this what made them so great in your eyes? They are USING YOU! And keeping themselves super safe.

we are doing all the necessary legal work like RTIs,PIL etc..the whole alumni community is backing us...

RTI, PIL....we all know its an eyewash. The result of PIL by Mr Ray will be out soon, and we know it will be in favor of DTU. Refer our earlier posts (click here) about the factual happenings in the Hon'ble High Court. And sure, Alumni like Prashant Baveja are supporting them, who is working for Bhagat Uncle!! How cool is that?!

u guys just need to trust us n be ready for call f duty wenevr we require ur support..

Yes we shall be. Here is a mandatory morning pledge for those part of the protest:

We pledge we will trust you, trust all that you say or set upon us. We take oath we will repeatedly fall for your lies and fully get used to fulfill your evil agenda...We will give up our career, our college life and even our blood to make sure you never ever get touched by anyone. We will turn a blind eye to facts and believe everything you command. Your word is the truth, all else is false spread by infidels. You are the pied piper Sir...and we are the rats. We will follow your tunes and drown ourselves into the Weser River! Hail DCE, Hail Leaders, Hail Agitation!

I know the day will come, when these leaders will have to own what they did. And I also know it's coming fast! Many amongst us are losing patience and sense of direction. ASK THEM QUESTIONS, and they shall have no answers except propaganda and lies. No Proof, No Evidence, just stories. And there is nothing to be afraid of...FOLLOW THE TRUTH.

"DCE-UT" and other Updates

Please see the attached clipping in Amar Ujala (22 April, 2010) we told you, DCE-UT will be a reality...first steps have been taken. 

There will be another post soon, answering some more questions sent to us via comment viz a viz the recent incidence. And more details emerge about the has been confirmed that the fight started with some people being thrashed for "not" supporting the agitation. On top of it, there is a लड़की बाज़ी angle to it. It's not as simple as it seems. There have been FIR's in three different regions, this matter is definitely a pending, personal matter between these individuals...and shamelessly and desperately used by the Student Leader to fuel the agitation. 

But full credit to Nitin Baraiya....dude you should become a script writer for bollywood movies! What a well written script, amazing conspiracy angles...I loved your suggestion that Golf car driver called up the goonda's. ये बताओ, तुम और रवि शेखर कैसे बच गए?! It's an addition to your bag of lies Nitin, you will own it up all one day...and that day is not far!

It would be called a attack if there were only 2-3 people involved. How come the BIG GOONS are spared and the smaller ones attacked? Simple theory of a war: When you hit, hit the biggest. Your days of lies are over Nitin, all you would land up in life is probably writing scripts for C-Grade Bollywood flicks, we will soon be telling the world the reason behind you being a PC (It all started with a populist, miserable Dr OPS). Dr. Bhagat, Trivedi and Co. have been frantically active, trying to arrange bails for their pawns...well done guys!

A special mention of a gentleman called Prashant Baveja, who has been the "only" alumni on fire in Save DCE group @ FB. Man, when we learnt something...इंसानियत से विश्वास उठ गया! (one of his batch-mates contacted us). This guy was nominated, helped to great great extent by our VC Sir, because of which he sits in that foreign university. And still, guess why he is sending hate messages there??? His Father and Dr N. K. Bhagat were classmates @ Kurukshetra University!!!!!!!!!! So guys, he ain't helping you or advice you as an alumni, he is just helping Bhagat Uncle! You suck Mr Baweja! You are as shameless and pathetic a person as there can be, AND WE HAD TO EXPOSE YOU! There are forces at work, that have nothing to do with DTU; all kinds of people with past grudges are using this opportunity to settle their score with this Individual, Prof. PBS, who has always gone completely out of the way to support and help students throughout his tenure (of course, he is less supportive of the current lot, who take a sick, sadistic pleasure in abusing him outside his residence!!).

You still think there are genuine alumni's out there who support you? Sh Karnail Singh, Chairman of DCE Alumni is a great supporter of DTU, Mr Vinod Dham greatly welcomed and applauded this move...and is greatly proud of it (via an email sent to VC Sir). WAKE UP TO THE EVIL DESIGNS friends...

Wednesday, April 21, 2010

Campus Updates..'s a sorry state of affairs. The way goondaism is succeeding in our university is extremely worrying, it all started with the SaveDCE Agitation and since then has been on a uncontrolled path. 
This agitation completely distracted the Administration, wherein it had to deal with security problems from within (the agitators) rather than from outside; this agitation abused, humiliated the Administration; they want those very people who kept this place safe out of it. Its all been a mindless, selfish and false agitation. The current affairs are just one fallout of the madness exhibited by students and orchestrated by the Student Leaders. This day, was to come...
It is shameful to see the Agitation leaders use this incidence to fuel the agitation (ably supported only by TOI once again!) and to inject poison into the minds of students. Ravi Shekhar writes on facebook:

"-earlier also there had been fights between these groups but this time there were many things which were unusual
-police was present in guest house and outside pb's house but it didn't came during the fight it only turned up after everything was over .when they were asked why didnt they came they said"upar se orders aye the
-why were cctv cameras turned off when usually they work all day and night
-why guards didnt tried to stop the fight 
-why only people who were leading the protest were seriously injured
-media do not telecast when we protestat india gate but it was present in the campus at midnight
-the whole case happened when two groups were already in fight wid each the day was chosen so that an illusion can be created that it was a gangwar and it was also telecasted to show people in general that such gangwars and protests are common in this college and spoil the very name of college so you decide who can plan all this ......."

Alright, lets see them one by one:

  • Thanks for acknowledging that this problem existed previously. I am surprised you didn't lie!!!
  • Police: The Police had been removed from the areas around hostel on objection of these leaders. They did not want the Police, they are the ones complaining about Police presence. 
So the deal is: While RS, NB and Gang threaten students, abuse authorities, ransack government property...there should not be any Police. But when they get whacked by external miscreants...there should be Police! What should be done dear Ravi? You need the Police or not? Perhaps you now understand the reason for Police presence outside VC are no less goon than those who came the other night and VC needs and deserves every protection from abusive, aggressive and vulgar sloganeer's like you! I saw you pitch drunk outside VC Residence that night, you are pathetic Ravi Shekhar.

That fact is your booze, goondagardi culture caught up with you the other's easy to hide behind 100-200 innocent misguided students and humiliate, abuse educated people like PBS Sir....that night, you got a taste of your own medicine.. Goonda met Goonda...Period! (and our Maut ka doosra naame Mirza...क्या हुआ मिर्ज़ाजी? असली गुंडों को देख कर भाग खड़े हुए? इज्ज़त तो थी नहीं, अब गाडी भी चली गयी!) You all are only capable of hiding behind misguided students and hostel girls....huh.

And this "OOPAR SE ORDER" theory, long will you be able to lie like this and not own up? This is all a hearsay you have used in the past to spread continue doing it! IS THERE ANY PROOF MR RAVI?! One of our DCE'ite got beaten badly, and you use this to fuel the agitation. SHAME ON YOU. In any case, if PBS Sir was capable of doing this, Ravi Shekhar....तुम नहीं बचते! समझे?
  • CCTV Cameras: First thing, the camera's were shut down since 4th April, after the agitation was called off. Moreover, I doubt whether CCTV's in a Govt Setup ever really work anywhere! 
  • Local Guards:  Who will agree they are capable of doing anything? They could not stop so called "peaceful" people like you, how can they stop hardcore criminals you messed around with? And who asked you to go out so late at night? Who got the University door opened in the night? When you fully know you have messed around with are responsible for venturing out. Perhaps you were celebrating  the assault and whacking of Meena's at Chachi....? Oh...perhaps the Soda finished, or you wanted some Namkeen to go with your daaru? 
  • Why only people leading the protest ...: Because YOU ARE THE MISCREANTS WHO CREATE TROUBLE! You are the people walking around like goonda' indulge in such kind of are the do everything except are the trouble makers. No one was selectively would have sang praises of glory if the story was other way round. Didn't you bring a herd of people from hostel to retaliate? Unfortunately, you were met with hardcore goons.  Anyways, there were injuries on both sides, and definitely some innocent people got involved and were hurt. The goons won't know nothing, there were some unconnected people who got embroiled into this, it is very unfortunate. Two things have been done: 3 FIR's lodged (against both parties) and an independent inquiry has been constituted under a AJM
  • Media: Well..a college gangwar is a great story for the media. You were applauding this media when they were publishing your SaveDCE had all smiles on the morning Super Sicks got published...why the change of heart now? 
  • Name of the College: We know you enjoy the status of being a DCE savior in the eyes of some misguided students....because of your malicious campaign. DUDE, You have done NOTHING to bring a good name to this Institute! Over the last month plus, you have tarnished, maligned and killed the so called Brand DCE. The authorities, particularly our VC Sir, is far more concerned about the reputation.....I mean how to compare you two? YOU are the one who bribed his way into this college while HE was away. That sums it up. Your exams for this semester, which were specially supervised will tell your story. You scored your gracious 50% marks because you cheated all, let's see what you do!
Our hearts go out to all those DCE'ites who got injured, we wish them a speedy and safe recovery. But...Ravi and Nitin, you must be ruing the fact that no one died...that would have fueled your agitation and bailed you out of this self created mess. THATS EXACTLY HOW EVIL YOU GUYS ARE! 

Don't miss: and

Tuesday, April 20, 2010 starts again! (phew...)

So, we start the protest again? Again with what issues now?? I can imagine and sympathize with the frustration of the conspirators....PBS is still very much there...and that main agenda remains unfulfilled....tch tch tch. Anyways, we are going to blow off your lies yet again....and keep standing on the right side of things. Here we go! But first:

Disclaimer: Some people are incorrectly assuming that we represent Administration....this is NOT true. The mark-sheets were printed by Administration on the day of PTM, and one of us just stumbled upon it. Yes, we do have full support from Faculty and Alumni's...many of them wish to remain unidentified due to obvious reasons. After all, goondaism is ruling our University...isn't it? (And we can't even publish the threats and abuses we are receiving from the agitators due to the language they know and speak!)

We have been told (all of us) that the reason to start the protest is non-fulfillment of various demands and weak action by DTU Administration to satisfy them. I shall quote the demands from the so called official website of Save DCE and base our arguments on it.

Let's begin with some updates quoting: Press Release on SaveDCE 

Well, the court knows better.. here is the eyewitness account of proceedings in Hon'bl High Court:
  • The case is being take by a double bench, this means this matter can never ever be persuaded in Supreme Court.
  •   Hon'ble High Court Judge had the following words for Rajib Ray: 
    • "We know on whose insistence you are filing this case and instigating students".
    • "How can you motivate students to protest on streets when the matter is sub judice?"
    • "Any protest or demonstration is condemned by the court, and the court shall not be influenced by such activities."
  • Finally, the court has asked Rajib Ray to explain why he is putting this case when he is in no way involved or concerned with this decision of Govt. of Delhi.
In nutshell, from the beginning there is doubt on the intention of the litigation filed by Sh. Rajib Ray. To any sensible person, it is clear that he has no business to deal with internal matters of the Govt or an Institute (Although it remains a fact that he and his CPI brigade is financing this entire episode, primarily to gain control over an institute they could so well control in the absence of our V.C PBS). 

We would like to quote our leaders: "Victory is near"....yes the court victory in favor of DTU is near...July 28th! And by that time, University would have already admitted all the students (and as I said...the court knows better!). There is no hope whatsoever of the decision going even 0.1% in favor of DCE Campaign....because it is a baseless, abusive and propagandist campaign after all! You can create hysteria amongst students, inject fear into juniors, misguide the innocent young minds....but in our country, High Court & Supreme Court does its job. That is the reason they are the strongest pillars of our democracy.

Now a look at the demands and what has been done:
  • Revocation of DTU Bill and restoration of the status of Delhi College of Engineering under University of Delhi  
This  has been categorically rejected by multiple authorities: Govt of Delhi, MHRD, Central Government and Hon'ble Governor of Delhi. Not only rejected, that rational has been explained multiple times to the student leaders, who have in each meeting, agreed to have understood and agreed to it. Once out, they are back to square one and spreading lies. 
  • Upgradation of DTU to the status of a Central University or IIT /NIT 
This has been explained to the student leaders by Govt and MHRD. There are certain criteria for an institute to be chosen for an upgrade. These have to satisfied under the constraints of who controls the Institute and stringent review of academic and faculty achievements. We all know about the glorious faculty of our University and with the current scenario created by these agitators, we have lost whatever credibility we had to be considered for an upgrade.

  •  Rename DTU as DCE University of Technology and grant Autonomy to the University 
This can be considered and in fact has been committed to. The CM has made it clear that this has been put on agenda to be proposed in the parliament. BOM cannot take any decision or recommendation in this...this will only be decided by Govt Of Delhi. And this takes time, it needs approval of the legislative council and parliament...can't be done overnight. But it has been put on agenda...what else you want? We strongly believe this will be achieved, but there are many things to do here:  Change the bill itself from DTU Act to DCE-UT Act, get approval from all parties in parliament, redefine the decentralization into the act etc...All of this takes time, or do you expect a special session of parliament for DCE? puff...
  • Removal of Prof. P.B.Sharma from the post of Vice -Chancellor 
We have covered this extensively on our blog. All the allegations against him are baseless. He is still there, and it is a proof of faith Govt has on PBS Sir. There is NO wrong doing that can go against him and on the basis of which Govt can give him marching orders. And see guys, if he is still here after so much drama created by you (to satisfy reasons of someone else!)....he will be here. It is time to realize the honesty and integrity of this person who has revived and single handedly made DCE a brand name. Read our blog posts to know more...there is not a single verifiable or corroborative evidence against him...its a lie that has been well spread and used to pollute the minds of students. In India of today, corruption is one word that excites young minds....that is exactly what has been done by the leaders to motivate students against him.

Secondary Demands

Rather than listing all the crap that has been put up on, we would rather focus on what has been delivered in the last one and a half weeks the agitation was stopped.

  • Rotation Policy for HoD's: Accordingly the new HODs for depts where HODS completed 3 years have been appointed. Dr. Ashutosh Trivedi could not be made HOD civil of DTU as he is HOD of 7 depts. ME, EC, CE, MPA, IT, Bio Tech and Applied Sciences of DU and also dean FOT of DU. Why did we put it in bold? Because this is the real reason of the agitation restart! Those who do not know it yet, must know that Dr Trivedi is the frontier and conspirator in chief of the Save DCE campaign. He has patronized these student leaders on promises that removal of PBS and his becoming HoD will settle their career and marks issues. Now unfortunately, VC Sir has not bowed to this design and it starts all over again. CIVIL Department of DTU is the EVIL department...they started it all...and they have brought us to this mess today. The real people hungry and desperate for power do not reside in VC Residence, they reside in Type V quarters! Wake up to the facts.
  • Decentralization of Powers: This has been adequately and effectively acted on. An independent Registrar has been appointed and a search committee under the chairmanship of ex-NASSCOM chairman has been formed to look for a Pro-VC and Finance Controller. Now if they find a candidate in 1 week, you will call it foul play again! This has been done and a suitable candidate will assume the office when the process completes. For reflecting this structure into the DTU Act, it will be ( and can only be) done in Parliament with a motion proposed for modification of DTU Act. IT CAN'T BE DONE IN 1 WEEK!
  • Infrastructure Development: This has been committed by both BoM and Govt of Delhi. To this effect, a special consideration has been provided in the Union Budget of Delhi Government clearly outlining the budget allocated for infrastructure development in DTU. But to expect hostels to come up in 1 week is laughable guys! What has also been committed that there will be no increase in the seats until the new infrastructure is in place. (and BTW we already have an excellent infrastructure in place, even when compared to IIT's. Universities like IP Univeristy operating out of the old Kashmere Gate campus of DCE are offering far more courses and seats!!)
  • Hostel Timings: Somehow the timing of Girl's Hostel makes it in the demands list....Interestingly enough! But this has also been done, with more relaxations in the timings for Girls Hostel and extended hours for the Computer Center and Library. There is ample time and places for ... well...leave it. 
  • Misc: The part where student participation in University Affairs is addresses (councils etc), that is already done and will be extended as suitable by the Administration. Under no circumstances, students would be or should be allowed to control the workings of a University. It is a case for Constructive Participation and that will be done. But remember guys, we study in a University, not Run it! The demands to that effect are absurd and totally unjustified. 
  • Firing of Individuals: This cannot be done alone on the basis of protests, its a process that needs basis. There are certain rules governing a Govt Employee...Just a bunch of 100-150 students standing with a banner is not a criteria to fire someone! As in the case of our V.C, there exists nothing, no charges against these individuals and hence they will not be removed. Will it ever come to this that students will decide who should get fired??? Do you think this is how the system works!? It is childish, amteurish and for sure Govt will not set a precedent to empower your gang and bannerism. THIS WILL NOT BE DONE THIS WAY!
There is more than can be said, but we shall stop here. The restart of agitation will be dealt with severe and decisive action this time. Government and the Administration must be really tired of explaining issues and them falling on deaf ears. The student leaders fully understand but refuse to let the situation normalize, because they very well understand the fallouts of leading this false campaign. They were promised the world by the conspirators, and none of the real agenda (Removal of PBS, Elevation of certain Faculty, Removal of Individuals etc) have been fulfilled. This is a desperate attempt to use this agitation to keep the fire burning, that has now burnt the leaders and conspirators themselves. 

We really hope Administration takes strict actions against such miscreants who are bent upon destroying the academic calendar and playing with the future of so many of us. We knew it all along, this was never the fight for DCE or DTU...this was a design to execute plans of individuals sitting in our campus and DU.

Addendum: There are some more concerns that have been sent to us...we shall quickly go over them:
  • Why did PBS Sir not choose to make it a Central University or an NIT?
We repeat here, he did not make is a decision of Govt of Delhi. He has no role except putting a proposal in place, which describes the need for more attention to this great Institute. Since DCE was entirely funded by the Govt of Delhi, it is obvious they would like to retain their patronage and make it a State University. As per MHRD guidelines, all the NIT's proposed after 2008 need to be developed from scratch. There is even an NIT planned for Delhi, but it is clearly drafted that no existing college can be converted anymore. This is to ensure that Infrastructure and facilities provided at these new NIT's are consistent across the 9 proposed NIT's. 

Another concern is why PBS Sir is not joining the students in their demand for Central Character? Well, first and foremost, he is a government employee. and hence cannot indulge in any anti-establishment practices (and opposing the state government decision amounts to exactly that). Secondly, after what these agitators have done (with their vicious, cheap personal attacks), do you really think he can join you for anything? This might have been possible, in fact, very possible, if the approach to this campaign was different. The level of goondaism and vulgarity exhibited by our talented folks is of unimaginably low character for an Engineering Student....Finally, why not make DCE an IIT? Hah! With the level of faculty we have, and such students as we see now on the road with banners and abuses, instead of research papers and you think anyone is mad to ever consider you for being an IIT? Is this the behavior exhibited by IIT'ians? There things are awarded, not snatched! This attempt has been failed, denied and will continue to be so. It is IMPOSSIBLE. Sh. Kapil Sibal has been appraised, Rahul Gandhi has heard you, if it is not happening now, it will never happen!
  • One visitor popped up this: hey..i was told thatt if u have a state univ degree it has certain weightage when u apply abroad or for mba..hw far is it true that central univ are having more weight-age than the state..??
Now...what can be more weird than this? Nobody in abroad cares about a University being Central or State!!! They just worry about the rankings, as of now DTU is proudly No.12 on University Rankings...and there is no reason why it will not continue to be there. Oh wait, there is a reason and design being executed to bring it down: The SaveDCE Campaign! I have never seen such fools जो पैर पे कुल्हाड़ी नहीं...कुल्हाड़ी पे पैर मार रहे हैं! The damage out of this abusive campaign is of unimaginable consequences....even if you get your DCE back (hah!), the reputation has been stained forever! And wait till the PSU's come...this will definitely be part of the interview...who would want such people in their organization? This is as detrimental as it gets...phew.

Note: A nice compilation of screenshots from the SaveDCE group @ FB. It tells quite a story...and since we like this idea, we'll have a compilation out there soon!

Tuesday, April 6, 2010

Super "Sicks"

We absolutely love Times of of the few national newspapers who glorify Abusive, Aggressive and Mindless Student Leaders of DCE (now DTU). We thought, why not we also paint some glory? There you go ...

Took us a while...but here is some interesting information about the "Super Sicks", Men behind DTU Agitation ... Are they our idols?
  • Nitin Baraiya: "I am a knower, I am not a doer. Knower is being known only, in reality non-self is not known." Well Nitin, We hope at least you understand the above! But what we do know is that you are a Serial Liar...whether it is posting comments as admin of SaveDCE group @ facebook....or spreading blatant lies about the Administration....You even go down to the extent of sending fake sms to VC accepting your defeat! and you think he believed you? LOL ToI says: Already placed with a multinational construction company, this final-year student was always a bright student. Hmn, let's see!

1st Sem
2nd Sem
4th Sem
5th Sem
6th Sem
Overall %
Nitin Baraiya 
Failed 2 (52.80%)

Wow....Definitely so Bright! In fact, so bright that we finally found a infinitely renewable source of energy!! The truth is, you are only good shouting slogans, threatening people and abusing others!!! Consider it for a full time position (this country always needs ground level goonda's for politics who are capable to creating mass hysteria!).
  • Ravi Sekhar: Aah, the poster boy...The same guy who was hand-picked by PBS to be the DCESA President....The same Ravi Sekhar who would go to PBS's house to personally escort the family members to events, the same Ravi Sekhar who would lick PBS's shoes to ensure they keep shining bright. Ravi, you are a back stabber...nothing else. Perhaps the fact that Engifest could not have enough Daaru and PBS caught your favorites gambling openly instigated you? And you suddenly decided to go all out against PBS...who always supported you, to the extent that you were nominated without any elections? And your academic credentials are as so bright....You always needed an alternative profession, after company picked you in any placement round!

1st Sem
2nd Sem
4th Sem
5th Sem
6th Sem
Overall %
Ravi Sekhar

Fantastic....keep it up Ravi Sekhar...Way to go dude! You back stabbed PBS, You back stabbed Govt of Delhi (gave them written assurances that agitation will be stopped), you back stabbed the juniors by giving exams and throwing them in the line of fire (and how smartly managed the cow's!). When is the plan to back out of this agitation and let us juniors suffer?

  • Pankaj Kumar Mishra: The Strategist, the Strength. Dude, you should have planned some better strategies for your career and studies. Your sparkling academic performance speaks for the great work you have done as a student. The Backroom Boy, is true to the nickname....he is way back in class ranking and academic performance. You, like your brethens, inspire us so much. You give us Strength and you inspire us! 

1st Sem
2nd Sem
4th Sem
5th Sem
6th Sem
Overall %
Pankaj Kumar Mishra
Failed 2 (53.6%)
Failed 1

Absolutely amazing...What a guy!
  • Shashikant Lodhi: The firebrand leader, who: "motivated and mobilized the juniors by explaining to them the repercussion of the conversion"....Errr..who threatened, instigated and instilled fear into the hearts of juniors is the right thing to say. Mr Lodhi, interestingly is a member of Moti Chillam Group on facebook, Oh that's really cool! That's a great skill to have, the page says, Description: all about chillums, hand made chillums, chillums for sale. What an inspiration you are Lodhi Sir!! You are the role model of every Engineering Student in the world!

And did we forget your excellent outstanding academic credentials? How can we Sir....there you go:

1st Sem
2nd Sem
4th Sem
5th Sem
6th Sem
Overall %
Shashikant Lodhi 
Failed 1 (48.61%)
Failed 1 (54.75%)
Failed 1 (59.4%)

  • Nimesh Agarwal: Nimish worked behind the scenes — from organizing buses to roping in juniors to interacting with teachers to conducting meetings."....Why did you not work on your studies Nimesh? You could have done a moderately better job than what you have done! Ladies and Gentlemen, presenting the academic credentials of Mr Nimesh:

1st Sem
2nd Sem
4th Sem
5th Sem
6th Sem
Overall %
Nimesh Agarwal
Failed 2  (58.54%)

Nimesh seriously, why not consider opening a Transport Company? The company recruiting you will suffer immensely if you continue your excellent performance and behind the scenes jobs!
  • Ashish Gupta: Well, the odd man out. This is the only right guy in the wrong place....but dude, your part where you say you are scared...We really sympathize. You are on the wrong side of the table, it's a choice you made. But still, all the best to you....since you are at least worth something.
  • Mirza Faraz Alam: Mirza, didn't you feel bad they missed you out? Alright, we will sing your glory pal, don't worry. Mirzaji is so gentle in his ways that he posts messages such as: "Maut ka doosra naam hai Mirza" on facebook. Ooooh, We are so scared should have stayed in the dirt you came from and where you belong. What did you achieve occupying one precious seat in DCE? This:

1st Sem
2nd Sem
4th Sem
5th Sem
6th Sem
Overall %
Mirza Faraz  Alam 
Failed 2 (55.5%)

MirzaJi, you inspire us to the extent that we feel ashamed of being a student @ DCE!

This my friends, is the story of  "Super Sicks + One". They are the ones you are following, they are your choice, they are your representation, they are your leaders.

These goons had nothing better to do in life, but we surely have! Enough is Enough...

Friday, April 2, 2010

We answer you again SAVEDCE.IN

Another opportunity missed, another possibility lost in abusive slogans. Why is it that this agitation does not stop?? Abusing a dignified person, shouting slogans, is this the way of the educated? What have we come to DCE'ites? Wake up, before your career is lost supporting this false campaign!

This post counters the so called "Updates" on Please read this carefully. Whatever is the truth, it must come out. You have been hearing only one side of the story, this is the other side. Be fair!

(BTW, the news being spread on facebook regarding resignation of Nagesh Sir is another lie, we confirmed with the authorities: No faculty has even expressed any desire to leave!)

- "Save dce is perhaps the biggest student movement ever in the country, initiated by engineering students" ... "We have, within the limitations of protecting the sanctity and grace of this institution, raised our concerns and voice in a peacefull and constructive manner"

SaveDCE is the most abusive, misdirected and shameful agitation... Peaceful and Constructive? You have been doing chakka jam, you have been trying desperately to involve Political Parties and Media...You are using innocent girls as your shield....You abuse the head of the Institution outside his house, you refuse to negotiate, and on top of it all: YOU LIE! Our blog has repeatedly exposed your agenda....and it still remains!

Do you even understand the defame you have brought to this institute with your abusive campaign? ...NO PSU would want to have such aggressive, indisciplined people in their organization. This agitation has done more harm to the reputation of the Institute than anything else (Even your so called basis of agitation)! DCE Brand Name with now have a 'AAA' rating amongst PSU's: Agitating, Aggressive, Abusive Students. The more you go to media, the more this get established.

- "Instead of describing the demands being put up by us, some of them being standard practices followed in all the reputed centrally affiliated colleges and universities, the DTU authorities are describing these demands as personal vendetta."

There is absolutely no doubt about it....this agitation is fueled by certain factions of Faculty and definite external elements. The malicious faculty cannot accept the fact that a good and accountable administration under PBS will be imposed on them .... With autonomy, under performers will be dealt with...and they can't even hide behind DUTA and the rest of the gang there. This is indeed Personal Vendetta...fueled and started by Civil Engineering Dept and them using this issue to also take revenge from PBS.

The student leaders have used the Senior vs Junior fear psychosis to motivate so many people to join them...This unfortunately, has worked out too well and well executed over the last 1 month.

And then, Who is paying the bill? Where are the buses coming from? Who pays for the banners? There is definite outside help, forces in work to weaken and destroy our college (now University).

Updates: We fight another round of lies!

First of all...Thank you Admins of Save DCE group @ removing us from the group, we know you are scared....that you are being exposed! Thanks for confirming we are having an impact!!! (I can create 1000 profiles in 10 minutes using a simple software and spam your group to hell! but you see, we are ethical people!)

Some student leaders are saying PBS was involved in the lathi charge. And if this was true, would you be able to shout abusive slogans outside his house and nothing happens!? In fact, he is the one who has categorically told Delhi Police to refrain from any actions on students. DTU authorities personally pursued and ensured release of all our detained students. You can verify this from the Police!

So, let's start (this is an abstract of my discussion last night on the group with T & A...)

1. Board of Management (BOM) in a State University: It is being wrongly told that a State University BOM has MLA's and other political people. DTU BOM comprises of highly eminent academicians and Civil Servants: Retired Director of IIT Kharagpur, Retired VC of University of Roorkee and Secretaries of the Govt. There is NOT A SINGLE MLA in BOM....As far as the argument that Govt. will have interference, guys ye kaha nahi hota??? It is a total lie if you are being told that DTU will have Ministers on Board as part of Management. THIS IS IMPOSSIBLE. We have one of the better BOM compared to other Universities.

2. PBS has done nothing to improve infrastructure (!!): Listen guys, whatever you see in Bawana Road Campus is the SINGLE HANDED effort of PBS. There has been talk about hostels, and the lack of it. Many in our group has faced problems to that end too.

Let's look at a little history:

1990: PBS joins DCE as Principal @ Kashmiri Gate. The college is running 3 Academic Calendars behind, ruled by Bihari and Pahadi groups and on the verge of collapse.

1990-1995: Academic calendars restored, CEE introduced and New Campus started. DCE shifts partially to the new campus (and for the first time, features in the top 20!)