Wednesday, April 21, 2010

Campus Updates..'s a sorry state of affairs. The way goondaism is succeeding in our university is extremely worrying, it all started with the SaveDCE Agitation and since then has been on a uncontrolled path. 
This agitation completely distracted the Administration, wherein it had to deal with security problems from within (the agitators) rather than from outside; this agitation abused, humiliated the Administration; they want those very people who kept this place safe out of it. Its all been a mindless, selfish and false agitation. The current affairs are just one fallout of the madness exhibited by students and orchestrated by the Student Leaders. This day, was to come...
It is shameful to see the Agitation leaders use this incidence to fuel the agitation (ably supported only by TOI once again!) and to inject poison into the minds of students. Ravi Shekhar writes on facebook:

"-earlier also there had been fights between these groups but this time there were many things which were unusual
-police was present in guest house and outside pb's house but it didn't came during the fight it only turned up after everything was over .when they were asked why didnt they came they said"upar se orders aye the
-why were cctv cameras turned off when usually they work all day and night
-why guards didnt tried to stop the fight 
-why only people who were leading the protest were seriously injured
-media do not telecast when we protestat india gate but it was present in the campus at midnight
-the whole case happened when two groups were already in fight wid each the day was chosen so that an illusion can be created that it was a gangwar and it was also telecasted to show people in general that such gangwars and protests are common in this college and spoil the very name of college so you decide who can plan all this ......."

Alright, lets see them one by one:

  • Thanks for acknowledging that this problem existed previously. I am surprised you didn't lie!!!
  • Police: The Police had been removed from the areas around hostel on objection of these leaders. They did not want the Police, they are the ones complaining about Police presence. 
So the deal is: While RS, NB and Gang threaten students, abuse authorities, ransack government property...there should not be any Police. But when they get whacked by external miscreants...there should be Police! What should be done dear Ravi? You need the Police or not? Perhaps you now understand the reason for Police presence outside VC are no less goon than those who came the other night and VC needs and deserves every protection from abusive, aggressive and vulgar sloganeer's like you! I saw you pitch drunk outside VC Residence that night, you are pathetic Ravi Shekhar.

That fact is your booze, goondagardi culture caught up with you the other's easy to hide behind 100-200 innocent misguided students and humiliate, abuse educated people like PBS Sir....that night, you got a taste of your own medicine.. Goonda met Goonda...Period! (and our Maut ka doosra naame Mirza...क्या हुआ मिर्ज़ाजी? असली गुंडों को देख कर भाग खड़े हुए? इज्ज़त तो थी नहीं, अब गाडी भी चली गयी!) You all are only capable of hiding behind misguided students and hostel girls....huh.

And this "OOPAR SE ORDER" theory, long will you be able to lie like this and not own up? This is all a hearsay you have used in the past to spread continue doing it! IS THERE ANY PROOF MR RAVI?! One of our DCE'ite got beaten badly, and you use this to fuel the agitation. SHAME ON YOU. In any case, if PBS Sir was capable of doing this, Ravi Shekhar....तुम नहीं बचते! समझे?
  • CCTV Cameras: First thing, the camera's were shut down since 4th April, after the agitation was called off. Moreover, I doubt whether CCTV's in a Govt Setup ever really work anywhere! 
  • Local Guards:  Who will agree they are capable of doing anything? They could not stop so called "peaceful" people like you, how can they stop hardcore criminals you messed around with? And who asked you to go out so late at night? Who got the University door opened in the night? When you fully know you have messed around with are responsible for venturing out. Perhaps you were celebrating  the assault and whacking of Meena's at Chachi....? Oh...perhaps the Soda finished, or you wanted some Namkeen to go with your daaru? 
  • Why only people leading the protest ...: Because YOU ARE THE MISCREANTS WHO CREATE TROUBLE! You are the people walking around like goonda' indulge in such kind of are the do everything except are the trouble makers. No one was selectively would have sang praises of glory if the story was other way round. Didn't you bring a herd of people from hostel to retaliate? Unfortunately, you were met with hardcore goons.  Anyways, there were injuries on both sides, and definitely some innocent people got involved and were hurt. The goons won't know nothing, there were some unconnected people who got embroiled into this, it is very unfortunate. Two things have been done: 3 FIR's lodged (against both parties) and an independent inquiry has been constituted under a AJM
  • Media: Well..a college gangwar is a great story for the media. You were applauding this media when they were publishing your SaveDCE had all smiles on the morning Super Sicks got published...why the change of heart now? 
  • Name of the College: We know you enjoy the status of being a DCE savior in the eyes of some misguided students....because of your malicious campaign. DUDE, You have done NOTHING to bring a good name to this Institute! Over the last month plus, you have tarnished, maligned and killed the so called Brand DCE. The authorities, particularly our VC Sir, is far more concerned about the reputation.....I mean how to compare you two? YOU are the one who bribed his way into this college while HE was away. That sums it up. Your exams for this semester, which were specially supervised will tell your story. You scored your gracious 50% marks because you cheated all, let's see what you do!
Our hearts go out to all those DCE'ites who got injured, we wish them a speedy and safe recovery. But...Ravi and Nitin, you must be ruing the fact that no one died...that would have fueled your agitation and bailed you out of this self created mess. THATS EXACTLY HOW EVIL YOU GUYS ARE! 

Don't miss: and


Anonymous said...

Firstly , you have said that police was moved out of the hostel area .

Well the whole incidence took place near chachi and the college gate and may be around FOT ( not sure about that ) . So there is no question about that.

Securities guards are not powerful enough : Well , if they could not have competed themselves , they have phones to give calls to the police inside which could have come at the correct time and saved the whole situation from becoming whole worse .

CCTV's not working : Well if in a world class University so claimed by our respected VC , the security cameras are not working , then it is a matter of concern for the security of the whole college . They were mere gundas , what if bigger incident took place . What about the security of the students living here . What about your security who ever it is who is writing the blog ?

So far no violent activity inside the college premises have been performed by the protest leaders . It has been a peaceful protest anything that has been done is through mouth only .

Media : Till last year , there was no coverage . Last year also , one - two students were beaten badly but there was no media coverage.Then why only , that too at midnight .

Why are u after ravishekhar and mirza only . About Asish u say that he is caught in the wrong place? What about navendu who was also beaten when he was not involved in such meena - antimeena battle .

U say that u r here for clearing myths , but now u urself are creating myths . Talk facts only and don't speak the language of college administration who have given such a bad statement.

SaveDCE...You are being MISLED! said...

Police: Yes, it happened around chachi area and main gate. The police were there within 5-8 minutes (3 policemen on bikes) and the PCR was there in about 15 minutes. The PCR is parked outside the gate correct, but it is not for is the patrolling vehicle and they were out patrolling when this happened.

Security Guards: well, they did exactly that and that is the reason there were policemen in 5-7 minutes. I have spoken to my friends who were at Chachi at that time.

CCTV's: Well, World Class University ban ne to do?! There has been no such incidence in the last 14 years history of DCE, all this was because of efforts of PBS Sir. Imagine a VC who sits on the main gate intercepting people...Who does that dude? It is because of him we were safe from Shahbadi's He is distracted and unfortunately need to worry about far more things than this...he loses focus, and this happens.

And you call shouting slogans outside VC residence at 3 AM in the night "peaceful"? Ransacking of govt property the morning after "peaceful"? Violence is not only physical, its even worse when it is verbal and emotional. That these guys have done and crossed all limits.

Media: Because the agitation has brought us into spotlight. They are keenly watching this place...unfortunately for all bad reasons. And as I said, Gang-war sells!

Navendu: You see, when mob mentality is at work...these goons will catch anyone and thrash. This is how it happens, there are more innocents than culprits in any such incidence. He was with the wrong chaps at that time and tried to intervene and unfortunately got involved.

We are not a mouthpiece of Administration...but it is a FACT that this episode started because of a brawl related to Agitation participation and Meena's were attacked first. And they had reported in writing this incidence to Administration and Police days before this incidence.

But I am amazed that there are still few out there who believe Administration had a hand in it! Phew, how childish can it get? But then, the way cows have been following mad bulls in our campus, I am least surprise that some are still believing them. These people are desperate to have anything, anything that they can use to reignite the fire.

THEY WILL LOSE AGAIN, rest assured.

Anonymous said...

'I have spoken to my friends who were at Chachi at that time.'
Dude! Chachi & all other shops were closed when this incident happened.

I respect the viewpoint of this blog & have commented in favor of it in some earlier posts but guys please dont make THIS place fueled by myths now. And yeah, stop targeting the leaders. SO WHAT IF THEY DONT SCORE WELL. IS THAT A CRITERIA TO PUT A FUCKIN LABEL ON THEM? AND FOR GODSAKE STOP DOING THE IP-TRACKING BULLSHIT. Stop being childish & validate more on your points instead, if you can. An advice - If you want a healthy discussion atleast remove the comment moderation thing so that pro-protest people can also put forth their views.

As I said before, I respect the viewpoint of this blog coz cmon this IS democracy. Everyone has the right to put forth their views. But there are things which I suppose you guys are to stubborn to look upon or are igoring blindly. Whatever it is, respect for the initation of a cross-questioning medium.


SaveDCE...You are being MISLED! said...

Hi Anonymous,

"Chachi" was a typo...I meant maggi baba....Thanks for pointing out. I will correct it.

The intent behind publishing the scores was not to target them per se, but to let the world know what they do and how they have been doing in academics, which should be our primary task inside an institute. And honestly, we were enraged at the ToI article, WE HAD TO RESPOND. If you have ever interacted with the leaders, answer from your heart...they are abusive, drunkards, aggressive and propagandist.

IP Tracking: What to do? You have no idea how much threat we are in. Our identity revealed and next day you will see our photos in HT and ToI.

Comment Moderation: Even you used the "F" word, we are moderating the comments to remove abuse (we even have a disclaimer at the bottom!). All along we have published views such as yours, and answered them. This ain't SaveDCE group @ facebook, we answer them all and "only" remove abuse where as SaveDCE admins aggressively promptly remove any anti-protest posts.

The evil succeeded and then failed. They are desperately trying to revive the agitation, just to save themselves. They are in the trickiest situation, and understandably scared.

Anonymous said...

'abusive, drunkards, aggressive and propagandist' - Agreed.

But does it have to do anything with how one fares in academics!?

I'm a 50%er with 2 backs, I abuse, I'm drunk half the time, I'm aggresive, I'm somewhat a propagandist - SO WHAT!? Does that mean that you'll put a label on me? Is academics the sole criteria to judge someone?

A very silly post among some rather intelligent posts kind of de-values your blog, you know. Then again, I'm no one to preach.. Just my viewpoint :-)

I really hope the genuine truth behind this issue (the khoon kharaba) specifically comes out soon. It's really sad to see such a horrible thing happening in college.


Pro-protest to save DCE. Anti-way of protesting.

SaveDCE...You are being MISLED! said...

Anonymous: Thanks for your comments, here you go:

- so...being ADAP is cool? And it is no criteria to label someone? Hmn.. I like what you say. "SO WHAT?", Well judge you statement, take a deep breath. Let me ask you this, what criteria would you suggest? Let's say in context of these student leaders, what are the credentials? I really wanna respect them...convince me.

- The genuine truth will surely be out soon. And once again, it will be proven that Admin was not involved. Next thing? Leader will call foul play...Influence by SoniA Gandhi, PBS is political, blah blah....All same stories...such cry babies I tell you!

Thanks for: "Pro-protest to save DCE. Anti-way of protesting."

You got all our backing on it!

Anonymous said...

I nowhere implied ADAP = cool. Anyway, see I'm not asking you to respect them. All I'm saying is - ACADEMICS is no criteria to judge someone.

And about the 'Admin not being involved' - Let's just wait & watch. Let the truth prevail.

SaveDCE...You are being MISLED! said...

And the truth shall prevail. It is time for these guys to own up what they did. We sacrificed 20 marks (and almost our career) for what?

To elevate Dr Trivedi to HoD?

Or to ensure these leader's girlfriends can get enough time in the evenings?

Or to execute Rajob Ray's design to continue having influence in DTU through DUTA?

Or to enable MPS Mahendroo take revenge from an Individual?