Friday, April 2, 2010

Updates: We fight another round of lies!

First of all...Thank you Admins of Save DCE group @ removing us from the group, we know you are scared....that you are being exposed! Thanks for confirming we are having an impact!!! (I can create 1000 profiles in 10 minutes using a simple software and spam your group to hell! but you see, we are ethical people!)

Some student leaders are saying PBS was involved in the lathi charge. And if this was true, would you be able to shout abusive slogans outside his house and nothing happens!? In fact, he is the one who has categorically told Delhi Police to refrain from any actions on students. DTU authorities personally pursued and ensured release of all our detained students. You can verify this from the Police!

So, let's start (this is an abstract of my discussion last night on the group with T & A...)

1. Board of Management (BOM) in a State University: It is being wrongly told that a State University BOM has MLA's and other political people. DTU BOM comprises of highly eminent academicians and Civil Servants: Retired Director of IIT Kharagpur, Retired VC of University of Roorkee and Secretaries of the Govt. There is NOT A SINGLE MLA in BOM....As far as the argument that Govt. will have interference, guys ye kaha nahi hota??? It is a total lie if you are being told that DTU will have Ministers on Board as part of Management. THIS IS IMPOSSIBLE. We have one of the better BOM compared to other Universities.

2. PBS has done nothing to improve infrastructure (!!): Listen guys, whatever you see in Bawana Road Campus is the SINGLE HANDED effort of PBS. There has been talk about hostels, and the lack of it. Many in our group has faced problems to that end too.

Let's look at a little history:

1990: PBS joins DCE as Principal @ Kashmiri Gate. The college is running 3 Academic Calendars behind, ruled by Bihari and Pahadi groups and on the verge of collapse.

1990-1995: Academic calendars restored, CEE introduced and New Campus started. DCE shifts partially to the new campus (and for the first time, features in the top 20!)

1995-1999: Great development work takes place in the new campus. The infrastructure is more than what is required at that moment. DCE is shining and going up up up in rankings.

1999-2003: PBS moves to Bhopal, NO INFRASTRUCTURE DEVELOPMENT happens in this period. Due to the lack of progress, Govt reduces the budget too.

2003-2005: PBS returns, things pick up. Library, T&P, Computer Center finish...excellent progress on stalled development...inspite of great budgetary reductions.

2005-2008: PBS in Bhopal again, the great "Goldar Era"!! It's the same scene, no development progress.

2008-till date: PBS come back and starts moving things again. The step to DTU ensures that there remains firm commitment from Govt towards this great institute.

Now in the last 20 years PBS has been here, he has really been here for 13 Years. In 13 years, moving from Kashmiri Gate to the present campus, having what we have today....working in the constraints of a typical Indian Government System....IS NO MEAN ACHIEVEMENT!!!

Hostels or any other infrastructure needs budget, approval and time. Having a University ensures we get this...move on and make a great new chapter in the history of this great Institute.

3. 10,000 Students!!: Guys chillax, this is just a projection. When PBS says 10,000 is a vision of how big this University wants to be. Do you think you are smarter than Authorities to not realize that more Infrastructure is required. This is a standard business process: Project, Budget, Develop, Execute!!! And in any case, it does not mean 10,000 Engineering students....Maybe in future University has grand plans of making its own faculties, who knows....but its just a number....each with the stringent criteria as CEE and each with great students like us.

This is just a projection of future...these numbers.

There will be more additions soon.


Jhonny said...

Hey.............whosoever is writing d great in writing.........i luved d way u wrote.........but its just not so easy to leave 'SAVE DCE' .......... nd Plz its a request 2 all ..........rather a question 2 all.........'WHY DID D GOVT CHANGE D NAME:DCE'.............WHY?.......Make it a univ =ok.........Make it state PB d VC =ok..........but why even touch d name...........WHY?.........V know u admins of dis blog could stop dis help us....... v r wid u .........Hey i'm seriously nt against PB.....he's our VC.........but a 100% against d NAME CHANGE...........

SaveDCE...You are being MISLED! said...

Hi Jhonny, We wish we had any powers. But really, this whole name thing is more emotional than anything else.

It's a big step forward, how can you make a University and not call it one? We believe keeping (formerly Delhi College of Engineering) does a fairly good job of preserving the name.

This is not a political rename, this is not "Bombay" to "Mumbai", "Madras" to "Chennai". DIT became NSIT, any impact? NO Think about it positively, and maybe you can feel the pride...that you are part of such a great Institute that it was chosen to be converted to a full fledged University.

Anonymous said...

I have never seen anything like this. Your facts, reasoning, replies have blown my head away.
This blog has the potential to be the eye opener for all.

Popularize this blog. I have become highly annoyed with this agitation. It has completely gone off track. I believe that the conversion is a brilliant step taken by PBS. Though I think renaming it to something like 'DCE - UT' could be further benefitial.

Pure respect for you! Thanks for enlightening us with the TRUTH!

SaveDCE...You are being MISLED! said...

Anonymous: We are doing our part, you please do yours....Spread the word.

Codegeek said...

Your "Eye opener" don't seems to change many of the viewpoints.. its because we are following a CAUSE not the Leaders.. I think according to you if someone has low marks he can not do anything GOOD for society... is this TRUE?? Secondly.. if a totally new campus can be created while it was just a college.. Why is step taken to create a university just to develop it?? Why this development couldn't taken place under RESPECTABLE PROF. PB SHARMA in DCE??