Wednesday, September 22, 2010

Do not get misguided again...

Here is the post from Aglasem....

A mail is being circulated by some misguided elements either the “Super Six (Sicks)” or their staunch followers to misguide the DTU / DCE student community and instigate them yet again. Let’s examine the contents of the mail circulated vis-a-vis the facts.
1)         There is no constitution or law framed to run DTU. Is It So?
(i)          Delhi College of Engineering has been reconstituted as Delhi Technological University and has been granted full autonomy (both academic and administrative) by the Delhi Act 6 of 2009 popularly known as Delhi Technological University Act. (Click here to download Copy of the Act for ready reference).
(ii)        The Act of the University is its Constitution and it contains all that is necessary to define the structure, powers and functions of the University. The powers of various authorities such as the Board of Management, Vice Chancellor, Academic Council, Finance Committee etc. is given in the Act.
(iii)       The Statutes of the University further provide in detail the powers and functions of various authorities. First Statutes of the University are framed and notified by the Government and the same has been done after the Act came in force. (Copy of the Statutes of DTU as notified in the official gazette by the Government is attached for ready reference).
Can anyone still say that there is no Constitution to run the DTU ?

2)         Delegation of Power (DOP) does not exist in DTU so VC gets to make his own rules and modify them at will. Is it So?
(i)          The Powers and Functions of various authorities of the University are well documented in the Acts and Statutes of the University. Further, the Ordinances relating to B. Tech, M. Tech and MBA further specify the functions and responsibilities of various bodies of the University associated with the conduct of the academic and examination related affairs.
(ii)        As far as the Delegation of Financial Powers are concerned these have already been delegated by the Board of Management of the DTU. Financial Powers of HODs, Deans, VC, Registrar and other functionaries are clearly specified in the Delegation of Financial Powers.
As such how can anyone say that there is no Delegation of Power in DTU?

3)         Elections of the office bearers of Student Association of DTU.
(i)          As per the established practice followed during the last many years the CRs are elected by the students for their respective groups / branches, both for B. Tech as well as M. Tech and MBA. The elected CRs form the Electoral College for electing the President, Vice-President and Secretary of the Student Association.
(ii)        The Returning Officer for Student Association Elections Prof. P.R. Chadha conducted the elections this year (2010-11). There is no question of VC nominating the President as Shri. Nikhil Maheshwari has been declared unopposed being the only valid nomination.
(iii)       As far as the Elections for Vice-President and Secretary of the Student Association the same have been conducted under the watchful eyes of the Returning Officer and the CRs have voted without fear or favour. Shri. Saurabh Agarwal has been elected as Vice President and Shri. Gurmeet Singh as General Secretary in a close contest through ballot.
Where is the question of VC or anyone else interfering in the student elections?
4)         Fee has been hiked and intake increased even though it was promised that intake would be in accordance with infrastructure.
(i)          The Fee has been revised for the batch entering in 2010-11 and is at par with the fee being paid in IP University for institutions such as IGIT. It is the lowest even when compared with the IITs and other equally reputed institutes. In any case the revision of the fee was long due.
(ii)        As far as increase in intake is concerned, no increase in intake has been made as no new programs has been introduced. The increase is only because of 15% OBC quota implemented as per the directive of the Government of Delhi from the current academic year.
(iii)       As far as infrastructure is concerned, the DTU has a well built campus on a plot of 163 acres comprising of academic infrastructure, hostels for boys and girls and residences for faculty and staff. Despite allocation of class rooms for various courses two large lecture rooms equipped with ICT facility remain in spare for use of activities like seminars and workshops. And do not forget that the Auditorium is also a Multi-purpose Lecture Theatre Hall to be used for invited Lectures / Expert Talks / Company Presentations.
Further expansion of the infrastructure for future UG / PG programs is already planned and the revised master plan is under approval of the MCD.
5)         Severe lack of Basic amenities and quality of food etc.
(i)          All out efforts have been made to provide the facilities to the students in the hostels. Complaints, if any, can be redressed by the Wardens Committee headed by the Chief Warden, all Wardens being its Members. The hostel inmates should also active interest in resolving any outstanding issues relating to hostel maintenance and upkeep etc.
(ii)        As far as food quality in the hostels is concerned there were some verbal complaints in regard to the food quality in the SNH and Aryabhatta Hostel. These have been looked into by the Warden Council. If the food quality remains questionable the authority shall not hesitate to terminate the contract of the Mess Contractor concerned. The students of SNH and Aryabhatta are advised to take up the issue, if any, through their respective Wardens to the Warden Council.
6)         e-Governance – non existent.
(i)          This is an area in which the work has already been initiated. OMV Card is just a beginning. Trial runs for use of OMV Cards for attendance and other services are being carried out. This work is being pursued actively.
(ii)        As far as e-tendering is concerned it is mandatory for all Government Departments and e-tenders are being used by DTU as well.
7)         AUTOCRACY of VC.
(i)          There is no question of any autocracy by any authority of the University. The Hostel allotments are made by the Hostel Office through a Committee of Wardens on the basis of a well defined policy for outside Delhi as well as Delhi students. If there is any issue regarding the hostel allotment this can be taken up with the hostel office or with the Chief Warden. There is no question of denial of hostels for the outside Delhi candidates. Allotments have been made as per availability of seats and as per the defined policy as contained in the Hostel Bulletin.
8)         Giving mess tenders to people without any past records.
(i)          The Mess tender of SNH and Aryabhatta Hostel has been awarded through tendering and as per the assessment of the Contractor made by the Warden’s Committee.
(ii)        It is wrong to say that the Mess Contractor awarded Mess contract has no previous experience. As per records he has been running Hostel Mess in Educational Institutions such as Y.M.C.A University Faridabad for the last over 10 years. Even then if there are any issues relating to food quality, hygiene etc. these are being monitored by the Warden Council.
9)         There is continuous disrespect to Dr. B.R Ambedkar.
(i)          The fact of the matter is that the outgoing officiating Principal Dr. D. Goldar, had installed a small plaque carrying the name “Dr. B.R. Ambedkar Auditorium”. The present VC has got the name of Dr. B.R. Ambedkar written in steel letters both on the body of the Auditorium and also prominently displayed the auditorium as “Dr. B.R. Ambedkar Auditorium” at the auditorium entrance.
The question of disrespect does not arise.
10)       Restricting timings for girls, Computer Center and Library from 10:00 PM to 09:00 PM.
(i)          The timings have been restricted for first two months (August and September 2010) primarily because of the Anti-ragging precautions and as per the decision taken by the Hostel Wardens and the University Anti-ragging Committee.
(ii)        As far as the timings for the Computer Center and Library these were also restricted to 9:00 PM for the month of August and September as per the Anti-ragging precautions.
Normal timings shall resume from October, 2010.
There is no question of autocracy on part of DTU authorities.
11)       Purchase of vehicles for the University and installation of Solar Geysers in Hostels etc.
(i)          Students should check the facts before levelling any charges / allegations against the authorities. There is no question of misuse of funds. The expenditure is made by following due procedures. There is no question of buying luxury cars for anyone from the University funds.
(ii)        The Vehicles for VC and Registrar have been purchased as were necessary. The old Ambassador which was being used as a Staff Car was purchased in 2003.
(iii)       Solar Geysers in hostel blocks are a part of investment on use of renewable energy and the same are for use of students during winters. A technological university boosting its commitment to renewable energy research cannot ignore renewable energy utilisation for applications like solar water geysers, solar lights etc. In fact, the commitment of DTU is to establish 1 MW Solar Power in the campus.
There is no question of favouritism to anyone on the basis of caste or religion in DTU.
12)       Not applying for approval of AICTE for the new courses introduced in DTU.
(i)          DTU being a Technological University established by Govt. of Delhi does not require approval of AICTE for its UG / PG programs. The AICTE covers affiliated institutions which the DCE was.
13)       No regular faculty in the School of Management of DTU.
(i)          Nothing could be far from truth then a misguide such as this assertation. The fact is that three regular faculty members all possessing PhD degrees in Management have been appointed in the School of Management of DTU in addition to Prof. S.K. Garg himself a Ph.D in Industrial Management and two other adjunct regular faculty from Mechanical and Humanities Department.
(ii)        In all 43 new regular faculty members have been recruited by DTU and they have joined academic departments in June / July this year. Thus, reducing the shortage of regular faculty considerably. The new faculty has joined in Departments of Applied Physics / Engineering Physics (07), Applied Chemistry (05), Polymer Science and Chemical Technology, Electrical and Electronics Engineering (04), Electronics and Communication (05), Computer Engineering and Software Engineering (01), Information Technology (02), Bio-Technology (03), Mechanical and Automobile Engineering (05) and Civil and Environmental Engineering (03). The details of those joined have already been published in the last issue of DTU Times August edition.
14)       Lengthy procedure for getting anything done.
Students are advised to forward their applications through their respective Heads of the Departments to avoid any delay in processing their applications. In any case specific cases, if any, can be redressed through the Student Grievance Committee headed by the Dean (Student Welfare).
15)       Campus Placements.
(i)          Let us make no mistake that the placement record of DTU for 2009-10 has surpassed all previous records and even fared better than some of the IITs. 683 offers from 138 leading companies is a record for itself. This year again in just over a month 159 offers have been received while 24 companies have visited till 08.09.2010. Naturally, those opposing upgradation of DCE to DTU have lost their battle on placements and are now crying foul. Do not get carried away by their false propaganda for their own vested interests.
Offers PlacedCompanies
DCE 2008-09577101
DTU 2009-10683138
DTU 2010-11 *159
(125 last year)
(15 last year)
16)       Ranking and reputation of DTU (formerly Delhi College of Engineering).
(i)          It is a fact on record that DCE as DTU has been ranked at No. 8 by Outlook India in the Top 10 Government Engineering Colleges including the IITs, at No. 9 overall (7th in Academic Environment and 8th in Placement) by Zee DNA Survey. Further, India Today has ranked DTU at No. 13 as against No. 15 last year and Data Quest has ranked DTU at No. 12 as against No. 16 last year (before becoming DTU).
In a short span of one year the DTU has significantly improved its ranking in the independent surveys as can be seen below.
SurveyDCE 2008-09DTU 2009-10
Outlook India1408
Zee – DNA09
Data Quest1612
India Today1513
Surely, this has greatly disturbed the prophets of goons who out cried that the reputation of DCE will go down on becoming DTU. The same prophets of goons also cried that the placements will go down and that PSUs will not come. They must be utterly frustrated on seeing their alma-mater making such a impressive success on all fronts including placements, rankings, curriculum innovation, recruitment of faculty, upgradation of infrastructure etc.
The DTU student community must exhibit their presence of mind and should not be carried away by the misguide being spread by the misguided elements whose primary intention is to defame DTU and to destroy the careers of the students.
Let us say a BIG NO to the misguide being spread by some misinformed quarters.

1 comment:

Build dce dtu said...

This aglasem is no less autocratic ! If there is a post against PB or them then its deleted and if someone puts the actual facts by a fake name then he is asked to prove his identity but when they use fake names in support of PB then it is right.