Tuesday, April 20, 2010

And...it starts again! (phew...)

So, we start the protest again? Again with what issues now?? I can imagine and sympathize with the frustration of the conspirators....PBS is still very much there...and that main agenda remains unfulfilled....tch tch tch. Anyways, we are going to blow off your lies yet again....and keep standing on the right side of things. Here we go! But first:

Disclaimer: Some people are incorrectly assuming that we represent Administration....this is NOT true. The mark-sheets were printed by Administration on the day of PTM, and one of us just stumbled upon it. Yes, we do have full support from Faculty and Alumni's...many of them wish to remain unidentified due to obvious reasons. After all, goondaism is ruling our University...isn't it? (And we can't even publish the threats and abuses we are receiving from the agitators due to the language they know and speak!)

We have been told (all of us) that the reason to start the protest is non-fulfillment of various demands and weak action by DTU Administration to satisfy them. I shall quote the demands from the so called official website of Save DCE and base our arguments on it.

Let's begin with some updates quoting: Press Release on SaveDCE 

Well, the court knows better.. here is the eyewitness account of proceedings in Hon'bl High Court:
  • The case is being take by a double bench, this means this matter can never ever be persuaded in Supreme Court.
  •   Hon'ble High Court Judge had the following words for Rajib Ray: 
    • "We know on whose insistence you are filing this case and instigating students".
    • "How can you motivate students to protest on streets when the matter is sub judice?"
    • "Any protest or demonstration is condemned by the court, and the court shall not be influenced by such activities."
  • Finally, the court has asked Rajib Ray to explain why he is putting this case when he is in no way involved or concerned with this decision of Govt. of Delhi.
In nutshell, from the beginning there is doubt on the intention of the litigation filed by Sh. Rajib Ray. To any sensible person, it is clear that he has no business to deal with internal matters of the Govt or an Institute (Although it remains a fact that he and his CPI brigade is financing this entire episode, primarily to gain control over an institute they could so well control in the absence of our V.C PBS). 

We would like to quote our leaders: "Victory is near"....yes the court victory in favor of DTU is near...July 28th! And by that time, University would have already admitted all the students (and as I said...the court knows better!). There is no hope whatsoever of the decision going even 0.1% in favor of DCE Campaign....because it is a baseless, abusive and propagandist campaign after all! You can create hysteria amongst students, inject fear into juniors, misguide the innocent young minds....but in our country, High Court & Supreme Court does its job. That is the reason they are the strongest pillars of our democracy.

Now a look at the demands and what has been done:
  • Revocation of DTU Bill and restoration of the status of Delhi College of Engineering under University of Delhi  
This  has been categorically rejected by multiple authorities: Govt of Delhi, MHRD, Central Government and Hon'ble Governor of Delhi. Not only rejected, that rational has been explained multiple times to the student leaders, who have in each meeting, agreed to have understood and agreed to it. Once out, they are back to square one and spreading lies. 
  • Upgradation of DTU to the status of a Central University or IIT /NIT 
This has been explained to the student leaders by Govt and MHRD. There are certain criteria for an institute to be chosen for an upgrade. These have to satisfied under the constraints of who controls the Institute and stringent review of academic and faculty achievements. We all know about the glorious faculty of our University and with the current scenario created by these agitators, we have lost whatever credibility we had to be considered for an upgrade.

  •  Rename DTU as DCE University of Technology and grant Autonomy to the University 
This can be considered and in fact has been committed to. The CM has made it clear that this has been put on agenda to be proposed in the parliament. BOM cannot take any decision or recommendation in this...this will only be decided by Govt Of Delhi. And this takes time, it needs approval of the legislative council and parliament...can't be done overnight. But it has been put on agenda...what else you want? We strongly believe this will be achieved, but there are many things to do here:  Change the bill itself from DTU Act to DCE-UT Act, get approval from all parties in parliament, redefine the decentralization into the act etc...All of this takes time, or do you expect a special session of parliament for DCE? puff...
  • Removal of Prof. P.B.Sharma from the post of Vice -Chancellor 
We have covered this extensively on our blog. All the allegations against him are baseless. He is still there, and it is a proof of faith Govt has on PBS Sir. There is NO wrong doing that can go against him and on the basis of which Govt can give him marching orders. And see guys, if he is still here after so much drama created by you (to satisfy reasons of someone else!)....he will be here. It is time to realize the honesty and integrity of this person who has revived and single handedly made DCE a brand name. Read our blog posts to know more...there is not a single verifiable or corroborative evidence against him...its a lie that has been well spread and used to pollute the minds of students. In India of today, corruption is one word that excites young minds....that is exactly what has been done by the leaders to motivate students against him.

Secondary Demands

Rather than listing all the crap that has been put up on SaveDCE.in, we would rather focus on what has been delivered in the last one and a half weeks the agitation was stopped.

  • Rotation Policy for HoD's: Accordingly the new HODs for depts where HODS completed 3 years have been appointed. Dr. Ashutosh Trivedi could not be made HOD civil of DTU as he is HOD of 7 depts. ME, EC, CE, MPA, IT, Bio Tech and Applied Sciences of DU and also dean FOT of DU. Why did we put it in bold? Because this is the real reason of the agitation restart! Those who do not know it yet, must know that Dr Trivedi is the frontier and conspirator in chief of the Save DCE campaign. He has patronized these student leaders on promises that removal of PBS and his becoming HoD will settle their career and marks issues. Now unfortunately, VC Sir has not bowed to this design and it starts all over again. CIVIL Department of DTU is the EVIL department...they started it all...and they have brought us to this mess today. The real people hungry and desperate for power do not reside in VC Residence, they reside in Type V quarters! Wake up to the facts.
  • Decentralization of Powers: This has been adequately and effectively acted on. An independent Registrar has been appointed and a search committee under the chairmanship of ex-NASSCOM chairman has been formed to look for a Pro-VC and Finance Controller. Now if they find a candidate in 1 week, you will call it foul play again! This has been done and a suitable candidate will assume the office when the process completes. For reflecting this structure into the DTU Act, it will be ( and can only be) done in Parliament with a motion proposed for modification of DTU Act. IT CAN'T BE DONE IN 1 WEEK!
  • Infrastructure Development: This has been committed by both BoM and Govt of Delhi. To this effect, a special consideration has been provided in the Union Budget of Delhi Government clearly outlining the budget allocated for infrastructure development in DTU. But to expect hostels to come up in 1 week is laughable guys! What has also been committed that there will be no increase in the seats until the new infrastructure is in place. (and BTW we already have an excellent infrastructure in place, even when compared to IIT's. Universities like IP Univeristy operating out of the old Kashmere Gate campus of DCE are offering far more courses and seats!!)
  • Hostel Timings: Somehow the timing of Girl's Hostel makes it in the demands list....Interestingly enough! But this has also been done, with more relaxations in the timings for Girls Hostel and extended hours for the Computer Center and Library. There is ample time and places for ... well...leave it. 
  • Misc: The part where student participation in University Affairs is addresses (councils etc), that is already done and will be extended as suitable by the Administration. Under no circumstances, students would be or should be allowed to control the workings of a University. It is a case for Constructive Participation and that will be done. But remember guys, we study in a University, not Run it! The demands to that effect are absurd and totally unjustified. 
  • Firing of Individuals: This cannot be done alone on the basis of protests, its a process that needs basis. There are certain rules governing a Govt Employee...Just a bunch of 100-150 students standing with a banner is not a criteria to fire someone! As in the case of our V.C, there exists nothing, no charges against these individuals and hence they will not be removed. Will it ever come to this that students will decide who should get fired??? Do you think this is how the system works!? It is childish, amteurish and for sure Govt will not set a precedent to empower your gang and bannerism. THIS WILL NOT BE DONE THIS WAY!
There is more than can be said, but we shall stop here. The restart of agitation will be dealt with severe and decisive action this time. Government and the Administration must be really tired of explaining issues and them falling on deaf ears. The student leaders fully understand but refuse to let the situation normalize, because they very well understand the fallouts of leading this false campaign. They were promised the world by the conspirators, and none of the real agenda (Removal of PBS, Elevation of certain Faculty, Removal of Individuals etc) have been fulfilled. This is a desperate attempt to use this agitation to keep the fire burning, that has now burnt the leaders and conspirators themselves. 

We really hope Administration takes strict actions against such miscreants who are bent upon destroying the academic calendar and playing with the future of so many of us. We knew it all along, this was never the fight for DCE or DTU...this was a design to execute plans of individuals sitting in our campus and DU.

Addendum: There are some more concerns that have been sent to us...we shall quickly go over them:
  • Why did PBS Sir not choose to make it a Central University or an NIT?
We repeat here, he did not make DTU...it is a decision of Govt of Delhi. He has no role except putting a proposal in place, which describes the need for more attention to this great Institute. Since DCE was entirely funded by the Govt of Delhi, it is obvious they would like to retain their patronage and make it a State University. As per MHRD guidelines, all the NIT's proposed after 2008 need to be developed from scratch. There is even an NIT planned for Delhi, but it is clearly drafted that no existing college can be converted anymore. This is to ensure that Infrastructure and facilities provided at these new NIT's are consistent across the 9 proposed NIT's. 

Another concern is why PBS Sir is not joining the students in their demand for Central Character? Well, first and foremost, he is a government employee. and hence cannot indulge in any anti-establishment practices (and opposing the state government decision amounts to exactly that). Secondly, after what these agitators have done (with their vicious, cheap personal attacks), do you really think he can join you for anything? This might have been possible, in fact, very possible, if the approach to this campaign was different. The level of goondaism and vulgarity exhibited by our talented folks is of unimaginably low character for an Engineering Student....Finally, why not make DCE an IIT? Hah! With the level of faculty we have, and such students as we see now on the road with banners and abuses, instead of research papers and formulas...do you think anyone is mad to ever consider you for being an IIT? Is this the behavior exhibited by IIT'ians? There things are awarded, not snatched! This attempt has been failed, denied and will continue to be so. It is IMPOSSIBLE. Sh. Kapil Sibal has been appraised, Rahul Gandhi has heard you, if it is not happening now, it will never happen!
  • One visitor popped up this: hey..i was told thatt if u have a state univ degree it has certain weightage when u apply abroad or for mba..hw far is it true that central univ are having more weight-age than the state..??
Now...what can be more weird than this? Nobody in abroad cares about a University being Central or State!!! They just worry about the rankings, as of now DTU is proudly No.12 on University Rankings...and there is no reason why it will not continue to be there. Oh wait, there is a reason and design being executed to bring it down: The SaveDCE Campaign! I have never seen such fools जो पैर पे कुल्हाड़ी नहीं...कुल्हाड़ी पे पैर मार रहे हैं! The damage out of this abusive campaign is of unimaginable consequences....even if you get your DCE back (hah!), the reputation has been stained forever! And wait till the PSU's come...this will definitely be part of the interview...who would want such people in their organization? This is as detrimental as it gets...phew.

Note: A nice compilation of screenshots from the SaveDCE group @ FB. It tells quite a story...and since we like this idea, we'll have a compilation out there soon!

1 comment:

Medhavin said...

With not much time left for the 'skeletons in the closet' to tumble out one by one, I guess its high time realization dawned on these walnut headed baboons!

On a slightly divergent note, Active participation of the students in the student affairs should not be misconstrued as "Running a University". What is essential is the legitimacy of authority being provided to the students both in letter and spirit, as well as the legitimacy of the students who will execute this authority. It's important that students are involved and treated as responsible stakeholders in the progress of our Alma mater rather than viewing them as 9 a.m. - 5 p.m. liabilities (which is unfortunate but very true even after July 09'), which renders the students as 'mute spectators' and leaves the entire student afairs 'dysfunctional'. As a reference, you may check out the systems in place in the IITs and IIMs. Constructive Participation per se (as written by you) should be the mantra. Else we are once again back to ground zero!

Oh! And yes.. "There is ample time and places for ... well...leave it." LOL!! ;)