Friday, April 2, 2010

We answer you again SAVEDCE.IN

Another opportunity missed, another possibility lost in abusive slogans. Why is it that this agitation does not stop?? Abusing a dignified person, shouting slogans, is this the way of the educated? What have we come to DCE'ites? Wake up, before your career is lost supporting this false campaign!

This post counters the so called "Updates" on Please read this carefully. Whatever is the truth, it must come out. You have been hearing only one side of the story, this is the other side. Be fair!

(BTW, the news being spread on facebook regarding resignation of Nagesh Sir is another lie, we confirmed with the authorities: No faculty has even expressed any desire to leave!)

- "Save dce is perhaps the biggest student movement ever in the country, initiated by engineering students" ... "We have, within the limitations of protecting the sanctity and grace of this institution, raised our concerns and voice in a peacefull and constructive manner"

SaveDCE is the most abusive, misdirected and shameful agitation... Peaceful and Constructive? You have been doing chakka jam, you have been trying desperately to involve Political Parties and Media...You are using innocent girls as your shield....You abuse the head of the Institution outside his house, you refuse to negotiate, and on top of it all: YOU LIE! Our blog has repeatedly exposed your agenda....and it still remains!

Do you even understand the defame you have brought to this institute with your abusive campaign? ...NO PSU would want to have such aggressive, indisciplined people in their organization. This agitation has done more harm to the reputation of the Institute than anything else (Even your so called basis of agitation)! DCE Brand Name with now have a 'AAA' rating amongst PSU's: Agitating, Aggressive, Abusive Students. The more you go to media, the more this get established.

- "Instead of describing the demands being put up by us, some of them being standard practices followed in all the reputed centrally affiliated colleges and universities, the DTU authorities are describing these demands as personal vendetta."

There is absolutely no doubt about it....this agitation is fueled by certain factions of Faculty and definite external elements. The malicious faculty cannot accept the fact that a good and accountable administration under PBS will be imposed on them .... With autonomy, under performers will be dealt with...and they can't even hide behind DUTA and the rest of the gang there. This is indeed Personal Vendetta...fueled and started by Civil Engineering Dept and them using this issue to also take revenge from PBS.

The student leaders have used the Senior vs Junior fear psychosis to motivate so many people to join them...This unfortunately, has worked out too well and well executed over the last 1 month.

And then, Who is paying the bill? Where are the buses coming from? Who pays for the banners? There is definite outside help, forces in work to weaken and destroy our college (now University).

- "Student counting more than two thousand are standing and supporting this cause in.."

FALSE, Only 200-300 students are standing and the rest are just scared of Isolation and their Seniors...Nothing else. DTU was made in Sept 2009, why did they have to wait so long???? Because this was the time spent by the conspirators to doctrine these students...It was a CONSPIRACY...nothing else! And unfortunately, they succeeded to some extent. We have personally spoken to over 500+ students...The only reason they don't come for the exams is FEAR...nothing else. The ones standing in the protest, are just following the HERD MENTALITY. There is no proof, no evidence....just hearsay! It's difficult to imagine such bright and best of the lot Engineering Students falling to propaganda....but this is the fact.

Now a Close Look at the demands:

- "Revocation of DTU Bill and Upgradation of DTU to the status of a Central University( or back to DCE)?"

This has categorically been rejected! The student leaders were explained the rationale behind this but true to their character, they kept you in oblivion and planned a "Secret Boycott". They were offered a lot of options, in fact everyone must know this:

# Principal Secretary spent more than 18 Man hours with Student Leaders....offering alternatives and commitments.
# CM met them twice, and on both occasions they accepted (in writing) to call off the agitation...but you see, Govt has no reason to sack PBS...The personal vendetta is not go on with the agitation!
# Infrastructure improvements have already been promised....and BUDGETED! The University can't build it in 15 days!! The Delhi Budget clearly mentions DTU...and a good focus has been awarded to our esteemed University.

- Upgradation of DTU to the status of a Central University or IIT /NIT
Who loses out? The people of Delhi! This would mean a maximum of 35% reservation for candidates from Delhi (as against 85% right now). Is this really what you want for your future generations? DCE (now DTU) was always the pride of was one college where you can get world class education and yet get favorable preference for people of Delhi. When it is a Govt of Delhi college, why would they fund it anymore? Who will fund it BTW? Kapil Sibal has clearly said that MHRD can't do this...Who will then? This at best, can be a vision for the future. Like it happened in case of Roorkee, from college to University to IIT now. The govt has no basis to upgrade it to IIT right now. And no amount of slogans or abuse can provide the basis for it too, in fact, this weakens our case.

- Rename DTU as DCE University of Technology and grant Autonomy to the University on the lines of IITs ...
This is kind of doable, but you cannot achieve this by shouting slogans! Have a concrete assurance from the Govt and this can be done. The more you protest like populists, the more you weaken your case of any negotiation whatsoever with the Govt. Do you think you can abuse the decision makers and yet get a deal out of them? You see, when you get on street, you want to be heard...YOU HAVE BEEN HEARD. The continuation of this campaign is weakening your cause, making the authorities and Govt desperate for tough measures. How would you like if the Semester is postponed? With you, because of you, the future of so many students will be in jeopardy.

- "Board of Management and inclusion of eminent industrialists ,representative of Industrial Bodies and alumni representative in the Board. "

Give us an example where ANY UNIVERSITY has this kind of constitution?? Our BOM has well respected and eminent academicians: Retired Director of IIT Kharagpur, retired VC of University of Roorkee, Top Level IAS officers... This is a good mix! Contrary to the propaganda of your leaders, there is not a single political representation in our BOM. Still, if any of these demands are doable...they will be done.

- "2.Removal of Prof. P.B.Sharma from the post of Vice -Chancellor"
This might be the real goal why it all started! We have thrashed your allegations...see: CLICK HERE. We don't make emotional or false allegations...THIS CAN ALL BE VERIFIED!

- "To find out the persons responsible for misleading the Government of Delhi leading to framing of the DTU Bill based on wrong facts and self interest."

Ok, this is another way of saying PBS did it. GUYS, The Fact is: This was on Government agenda for YEARS! There was no misleading, no wrong doing! DTU will win the court case and put an end to the debate over DTU Act's constitution.....What has DU got to do with internal matters of an affiliated college which it provides no funding for!?

- "A time frame for implementation of the demands should be made and its implementation ensured"

For this, you have to stop shouting slogans and sit down with the authorities and negotiate. You are making an absolute mockery of efforts by Govt and Administration to reach an agreement. Sooner or later, you will lose out this option altogether.

- "The University should remain non-affiliating forever and there should not be any under-schools or constituent colleges as well."

From start, this was the case as per DTU Act. The University was always designed to be Non-Affiliating! Someone lied and you believed?

- "No personal victimisation against the agitating students should take place and should be assured in future. No other charges should be levied upon the agitating students. This includes timely issuing of degrees and good character certificates."

Hmnn...Oh yeah! And you have all the rights to victimize an Individual? shout slogans (very very very abusive slogans!) outside his house all night? Tell you what, University and PBS might pardon you...but GOVT will not!!! What low levels you have stooped to is VISIBLE....You are CHEAP, ABUSIVE AND VULGAR! Nothing less.

Don't you think you deserve a special mention of your doings in your character certificate? If you really ask the administration, they may agree to pardon. Do it and RIP.

- "Prof.S K Singh, Mr.O P Shukla, Dr. K Singh should be expelled from the University and the powers of other office bearers facing student complaints like Prof. S K Garg, Mr. Ranganathan (Project officer), Mr.A K Srivastav (Sports Director) should be checked."

Why Why Why??? Just because you say it? This is not how it works. Each of the official above is a respected Govt Employee, there needs to be basis, charges and charges proven to initiate any action. What if you don't like the ones who take over them? Maybe you want to sit in the selection interview? What crap!

- "No tuition fees hike should occur in the near future as this affects the talent from lower middle class families."

That's none of your business!!!!! And anyways, there is nothing planned towards this!

- "Student intake should be increased only if infrastructure increases and the student-faculty ratio remain as per AICTE norms."

This has been agreed to already, the primary focus will be on Infrastructure improvement. Administration and Govt has already agreed to this and as a proof, Delhi Govt has already budgeted DTU as part of its annual bill (See).

- "Powers should be decentralized..."

This has also been done, an independent person has been recruited as Registrar of the University and is part of decision making along with VC and BoM.

- "E-Governance (MIS-Management information system) should be employed ... "

This is absolutely doable and in fact, Administration will welcome it. But for it, you need to
sit on the negotiating table...not on the streets!

- "Faculty appointment should be made a three..."

This is doable too, answer is same as above.

- "The academic session of this year should not be extended any further its normal endpoint as this will affect the career of the students."

This is in your hands! By not attending classes, boycotting exams, what option are you leaving for Administration?

Many of the other smaller demands can all be sorted out in a constructive manner. The student leaders are just not offering a platform for a resolution, while there is every desperate effort to keep this agitation going. Why are the student leaders not working towards a solution?? Is this what leaders should do? Keep you and your career in the line of fire to fulfill their agenda driven by lies, deceit and misinformation?

To envision a University ruled by students...that's exactly how it does not happen. It is all about constructive participation, and that's exactly what is not happening.

The student power, working on a right cause can do miracles. Because this is not a right cause (or at least definitely not the right means) we are sitting helpless after 1 month of agitation.

We are here for Engineering discoveries, Education and carve our future. That is what we should be doing, we have been heard and things will definitely improve.


Anonymous said...

And then, Who is paying the bill? Where are the buses coming from? Who pays for the banners? There is definite outside help, forces in work to weaken and destroy our college (now University).

For your information money is collected from the students as donations.

By the way who paid you the money to write this blog.

Anonymous said...

DTU was made in Sept 2009, why did they have to wait so long????

Why it took you so long for you to misinterpret the situation and write the blog now.

SaveDCE...You are being MISLED! said...

We refused to be part of the "herd" and started this effort. The blog has been there for some time...this was created specifically to counter the false agenda. We did not have the lie or hysteria behind us, nor the power of fear to get so many people with us. But guess what, we are growing fast...more and more people are now aware of the false propaganda.

Reg. Money: This is news! I was part of the agitation all along till first boycott, never heard anything like that! For writing a blog, you need motivation not money. If you can, counter the facts we have presented...fighting for a false agenda, will get you nowhere (and is getting you nowhere!). We are soon going to present the "Achievements" of your so called Super "Sicks" ... You want to choose them as your idols? It tells me the direction you are headed in life!

All this media publicity the agitators are desperate for, is actually "Negative" publicity for the Institute....It is detrimental! Where has the logic gone from this world.

Anonymous said...

I m really impressed by this blog. It opened my eyes. But I still get hurt at the fact that the police can be so callous. Lathicharging peaceful demonstrators (sure there was slogans being shouted but still its a peaceful method) is no way to deal wid the protests. Clearly they had orders from higher powers which i heard wen i was sitting next to a police officer. I agree that slogans like pb sharma chor hai were shouted. But still its no way to lathi charge students. And they claimed that the students tried to jump n get past the barricades which is totally wrong and baseless. I saw no one doing that. So Shame on the govt for this. But then i do agree wid your points, but mine is a valid point which in no way is meant to disapprove your views, infact i support your views. Police may say to send the children to their homes, they did that or anything of that sort, but it wasnt right.

SaveDCE...You are being MISLED! said...

Anonymous: Lathicharge was a tragedy, I was there observing but escaped somehow myself!

The "Oopar se Order" can be anything but PBS. You see, you shouted even worse slogans right outside his house! He specifically has instructed Police to be tolerant and "zero action" inside the campus. Otherwise they were the same Delhi Police.

The leaders have pissed off the Delhi Govt big time! They lied to students and even to the Govt of Delhi. You don't double-cross the authorities...never. This attitude of the leader made the Govt of Delhi even more adamant for not accepting a single demand. Your leadership and your means were both wrong, the cause being somewhat correct.

Anonymous said...

The stone pelting by one of the student as mentioned in the newspapers is actually true and is not just a baseless rumor. I'd rather refrain from giving out the name of the person who did it here.

The stone pelting + abuses hurled at a lady police officer + carrying out a peaceful demonstration beyond 7.30 in a high security area even after repeated warning = lathi charge. It's sad.. yes but you can't blame anyone for this. It was OUR mistake.

To the blog owner -
You're doing a fab job. This blog has the power to stir the students' thinking process atleast. I've personally been a part of the protest (herd mentality - yeah maybe) but always had second thoughts.

SaveDCE...You are being MISLED! said...

Anonymous: Thank you.

This is an interesting piece of information regarding lathi charge, leave some details and we can get more out.