Tuesday, August 31, 2010

The Baveja's and the Baraiya's and the Babbar's .... All "B" grade Shame to a Great Institute

Ahem....Where do we start?? It's been quite and nice, barring some recent developments around elections, Internal (DTU) and External (DU)....With all that happened, we still find ourselves in good company when it comes to National Rankings (Ranking for DTU, NOT formerly DCE). There have been some great visitors to our University, the admissions went along flawless and fair, the research plans seem to be evolving and the curriculum update is on track. Wow!

Before we begin, a word of caution: Last time around, they started the campaign by asking for blood on Facebook. The idea was to collect Phone Numbers and then start a malicious SMS campaign. The history is repeating itself, the faces have changed: This time, Mr Ankit needs A-. Ankit, you don't need blood, you need brains. This time the sleuths will be catching up right from the beginning. Do it, and we sincerely hope you spend a longer time in Hawalaat....You guys suck, using such a cause to spread your lies! SHAME ON YOU (oops, you guys are proven shameless eh? Sorry Sorry)

But then...what did we miss? hmn...
  • Mr Baraiya and the gang have fallen to shame with their baseless campaign, lost their jobs, looking for any sniff of issue that can help create another trouble for us. BaraiyaJi, you should be hunting for job...don't prove your joblessness by continuing to pursue your false agenda. We know you have been hurt, but then...it was a wrong choice My Friend. You should feel lucky of not being on the ire of so many students, whose life and career you put on stake. You HAD no agenda, and you HAVE no agenda. I will come back to you shortly, Mr Baraiya.
  • Our fake alumni, PBS hater, dear Mr Prashant Baveja (aka "Bhagat Bhakt") has sent some material to us (which we held publishing until now). Well thank you Sir, your comments are online now and we are forced to waste a little time on you answering. Never mind, got to live with suckers in this world.. Come back to you shortly too. (Oh yeah, our blog comes up 9th when searching for your name on Google :), hope Prof. Govind Agrawal/Dr. Drew Maywar read your doings soon!)
  • Ankit Babbar's name is withdrawn as President on disciplinary grounds, and Abhinav could not contest DU Elections. Strange: One want to compete in DTU while another wants to compete in DU! And still from the same Institute/batch....How How How My dearies? And NitinJi claims Ankit is innocent, we will RIP his innocence soon...and let the matter R.I.P!
Take 1: Nitin Baraiya, the Forever anti-DTU activist...Does not have a mirror at home

Nitin, we have verified that treatment of mental illnesses is free in our country....really, they will not even charge a single penny. We all know you are jobless (had the poor employer continued, he would have fired you anyways....After all, who needs a scumbag like you!), we know you have been humiliatingly and totally defeated in the false campaign you led, we know you are out of your wits end accepting your defeat but then, at the least: BE LOGICAL! We have invited a debate on numerous occasion on this platform, if you dare Mr Sicking Baraiya: DEBATE....Don't ARGUE, TALK....Don't SHOUT, Say the TRUTH, Don't LIE. You are hereby invited one more time, refute what we publish....Just once, prove what you say. (Soon we will be publishing your timeline of lies from the last campaign, stay tuned!). 

And yeah, take some money out of the funds collected for SaveDCE (if you have not spent all of it drinking!), and go and get a mirror for yourself. I assure you, you will hate yourself for the rest of your life. You have started your lies again....but then, haven't you heard: Fool me once, shame on you. Fool me twice, Shame on me! So Doood, you don't stand a chance. Just because you have access to somebody in Delhi Secretariat who continues to offer you sympathy DOES NOT mean you will be able to do anything. You and your Gang walah's have been wholesomely dealt with.....You have completed your studies (with what flying colors!)...please please leave us alone now. Come on, swallow it...yeah slowly, go on...yeah, thats better. SWALLOW THE FACT THAT YOU HAVE BEEN EXPOSED AND DEFEATED.
And you say Ankit Babbar is innocent, hmn...interesting, read on.

Take 2: Ankit Babbar, Criminal, Rowdy, Trouble Maker

Just who is Ankit Babbar? Well...it's the same guy who got embroiled in a fight against Meena's (and created the most embarrassing violent episode in the history of DCE/DTU)....Is it the same guy who got FIR registered against the DTU Administration? (and yielded what? NOTHING, huh)....Is it the same guy, who wants to fight DTU Elections, when all the time crying for DU?....Is it the same guy who went and testified against his own Alma Mater in High Court (LOL, High Court....Baraiya Ji, waha bhi haar gaye? tch tch...)

No no, it is the Ankit Babbar who is such a role model for the Modern generation of DTU and DCE students.  Really, we were so pleased to see his public album on Facebook....The photo with beer in hand, or the Gajini Pose, or the Bikini Photos...Wah Ankit....What a great role model you will be for our students....THE FACT IS, YOU BELONG TO THE SAME PACK OF SHIT....AND YOU SMELL AS MUCH AS THE "SUPER SICKS"....They are wanting you there, so that they can have some control over the happenings in DTU....NO WAY Dude, you have been shown the door....I really wish you were thrown out of the college right when you gave us that excellent media coverage for all the wrong reasons.

And then, all you are interested in is: Women! LMAO, Your facebook says so Dude! LOLZ Another despo with nothing better to do.

Take 3: Prashant Baveja, Agitated Lier on Fire!

Yes Baveja Sir...let't talk. Sorry to keep you waiting...so where were we?

  • Thanks for accepting that you are a thankless maniac....when you accepted you were out of the way helped by PBS.
  • Good for you, Non Topper and still doing good. We are surprised you even passed dude :)
  • You will have a standing in Global Academic Circles in future: Hmn, you will not be able to achieve even the Shoelace of Prof PBS, whose shoes you were licking sometime ago. If you really want to know who is PBS, ask Prof. Agarwal....maybe he can open your eyes! (when was the last eye-test you did?)
  • You will have no power to do anything ever Baveja. All you can do is log on to facebook and spread lies and instigate innocent students, when you are not sending abusive message to us. And yeah, you will also dutifully do all that Bhagat Uncle tells you to do!!! BUZZZZ OFF.
  • Just how long have you been @ Rochester? You scumbag, you already declare your own country Third World? Your and your entire generation of scumbags originated here....Have some respect. We remain Third World because of Third Class citizens like you. Anyways, this is not a debate on National Pride.
  • I wish we could tell who we are Mr Baveja....and I assure you, you will be seen running to the Super-mart to fetch a bag of Adult Diapers if you knew. We are a strong group of Alumni's, much much senior than you and so well placed that you cannot even imagine, Prashant Sir. But then, we know you are sick....and we don't go around chasing someone because we did not get any funding to attend conferences during our college days!
Last but not the least, we feel it is high time people at Nonlinear Fiber Optics Group know you better. It will be done, we assure you.

There is more to come, Stay United: AGAINST THE NEGATIVE FORCES @ DTU. They are asking for A-, they will bleed...because Life is, well, Fair.


light fades away said...
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light fades away said...

finally it is interesting to see that you attack academic credentials of those whose credentials can be attacked to silence them, and one guy whose academic credentials cannot be attacked you take cheap potshots. FYI i got my degree with first class with distinction.. i wonder how many of you 'losers' have that level of academic pedigree. Judging from your poor english, I conclude you are either 60-70% mark holder PBSs zombies either from current batches circa 2004 onwards or from back in the day when he was just another principal..

you want debate, engage me. of course that wud require some 'real' intellect which i am sure no writer linked with this blogspot have

P.S. I am pretty much done with facebook as I have better things to do.. but here I am happy to engage in a healthy debate.. judging from your responses, it seems you dont want it to healthy

you still did not write about how futile the biodiesel research in DCE is.. you have any idea how much money goes into for no results.. someone has to ask whr all that money is going..

and all the fake constructed toys.. lets talk about those too..

instead of attacking my credentials be honest enough and accept whr DCE is lacking..

of course.. that is something you are powerless to do

SaveDCE...You are being MISLED! said...

Dear Prashant,

We got your feedback, and we realized that attacking you was wrong. Of course, you were spreading lies and instigating students on SaveDCE home page (Don't make me post screen shots now!), you probably have some agenda against Prof. PBS....Whatever.

What irritated us to the core is the way you were bragging about yourself, and to think you can compare yourself (and feel superior) to the very teachers who have a good hand in making you what you are today...You are expected to be humble and above all, honest. Anyways, we have nothing against you (not until you start your lies @ facebook again!). Yes we got personal, and we realize that was not the most correct way. This blog has been about presenting truth, and we have instructed that this spirit be maintained. You felt bad, I apologize. Two wrongs sure don't make a right. I am fine with removing your reference from this post if you want.

We can have a healthy debate sure, why not start with the earlier facts we have presented in this blog? let you refute them....any one of them.

Do you "really" think it was a Student Movement? Come on, you have been here...these things don't happen there...It was a design, executed beyond perfection. Involvement comes clearly from the Faculty, DU and Political Parties...DCE Students don't do this! You say you have worked closely with PBS, so have I...do you really have this opinion about the man? Come on..I find it very unlikely.

SaveDCE...You are being MISLED! said...

And the above, has NOTHING to do with your threat BTW :))

light fades away said...

my final thoughts on the matter :


A thought.. said...

Hey.. When you call Ankit whatever all you have written, please keep it in mind that the it is the college/university administration that is the one to be blamed for the same..

I know you people have a lot of facts, but perhaps you people should also search for his credentials in terms of his AIEEE rank when he entered DCE, all the NSS activities that he has been a part of of, the work he has done as the student head of SPIC-MACAY, the library users group that he established, the linux group that he formed for teaching linux to the juniors, the robotics start-up that he formed with two of his friends and a lot more..

When you call him all those names, do bear in mind that it was the hostel administration who had put him in the T4 in the first place (Yeah.. The haunt of your Super Sicks)..

Ever heard that story about a healthy apple amongst rotten apples? What else do you expect when the administration itself is hell bent on putting the 'suppli' group (Perhaps you can add one more B to your list.. Rishabh Bangar..) in a ghetto irrespective of their credentials? That in plain words is known as insensitivity.. And there are a number of examples of this.. Students have been treated like shit.. and that is a irrefutable fact..

I'm not justifying any of Ankit's actions in the recent past, the only point I wish to drive home is that the administration is not saintly either.. Remember.. Who chose Ravi Shekhar in the first place as the head of the SA the last year??

If good students have turned into goons, then there must have been some serious flaws in the system?

Why don't you also talk about those things? Perhaps someone in authority might just read that and help in bringing in some meaningful changes...

Whatever has happened and is happening in DTU, is tragic but is due to the fact that the admin neglected its duties for years..and perhaps is doing the same even now..

In the end who is going to be the loser? The individuals involved? Naa.. Its going to be our institution.. Call it DCE.. or call it DTU.. It won't matter once the name has gone to the dogs..

Just a thought said...

See.. Forget replying to my comment regarding Ankit Babbar, you didn't even deem it worthwhile to publish it..

Scared of the reality? Or are you too the part of the 'propagandist' regime?

It's indeed funny that I actually thought you were being true to your self.. Damn.. I forgot that that breed is an endangered species in today's world..

BTW.. I was one of the 40 somethings who sat for the original midsems earlier this year.. and was one of the staunchest supporters of PBS.. and DTU..

But now.. I am forced to wonder if I did the right thing by going against everybody..

All the Best! =)