Wednesday, September 22, 2010

The game IS on!

We do not threaten anyone and we also openly said that we did not mean to target you. You seem to be pretty disturbed Prashant, which made us wonder whether to react to your posts or not. But you asked for it, so here we are..

First your most recent post, and then we come to you.
  • DU Semester System: So, how exactly do you propose this should have been done? Perhaps you are suggesting that there should have been Remuneration adjustments first, and then implementation of semester  system? The point was not whether semester system implementation at DU is correct or not, the point is the way DUTA reacted to the entire episode....the trend that is being spotted in Universities across India. Shouting slogans, Abusing/Manhandling of a reputed person in public, taking out शवयात्रा for a this the way of the educated? If there is some political organization exhibiting such behavior, it is understandable (not acceptable still), but the individuals involved here are highly qualified faculty members. Do you support this? And furthermore, the pay scale of DU teachers already exceeds the scale of a number of State/National Universities operating the semester system.
  • It is Jadavpur University, not Jabalpur University. This whole story of Cell Phone jammers is a BIG LIE propagated @ the Facebook group. There is no basis or truth to this, no such action has been proposed or planned by the University. Why do you take everything said by Facebookers as absolute truth? Come on, you are a great guy, with exceptional achievements, outstanding academic qualifications, a rising star in the academia, almost a candidate for the next Nobel Prize, yadda yadda yadda ....use a little reason. If you say every individual has the right to privacy, then every Institute has the right to security. Have you already forgotten the tragic fight that happened in recent past, should that not prompt the University authorities to take some steps? If they do it, you scream...if they don't you scream still! The OMV card is being implemented precisely to restrict the entry of external elements inside the campus, and put more accountability on Teachers to respect their time schedule, and this is surely causing some flutter and worry.
  • Innovation/Incubator/Entrepreneurship: These are initiatives, that can only bear fruits over a period of time. But aren't you happy that something has finally been put in place? That there now exists a possibility of something happening, somewhat supported by a system. You talk about real companies coming out of this initiative (and you think it can happen right away!), how many such have come out of Indian Institutes anyways? Can you present some statistics from IIT's or other Top 10 Institutes? It does not happen overnight and it did not happen overnight in your adapted home, America.
  • Finally, If we were in any way directly connected to PBS, you would not have to wait for some kind of communication with your Supervisors/University officials. This would have already happened. The very fact that this has not, demonstrates that we are not having any intention whatsoever to personally target you. The matter was related to your doings on Facebook (where you were/are the only alumni participating actively). You showed disrespect to your Alma Mater, the head of an Institute and above all, a Government of India Employee. Disagreement, Dissent is different from Abuse, YOU ABUSED.
I lied, I instigate, prove me that I lied...

Baseless Allegations that you leveled against PBS. The objective was not to instigate students? 

  • Is that how you address the head of an Institute Prashant? (PBS becomes Pabbu, what do you call Dr. Govind Agarwal? Govindu? Gondu? Aggu?! Haggu?!). Is this what is the worth of all your academic qualifications and credentials? Is this the role model what you claim you are? And is SOB another American Clan? Last I know it was an ABUSE, whether in Jhumri Talaiyya or Rochester.
  • Aren't these serious, unfounded lies you propagated, to make the most of an unfortunate incident? You leveled criminal allegations against a Government Employee, do you even know the consequences should a legal proceeding be initiated on this matter? You'll be in the doghouse dude, or worse in the slammer.
This is where you claim DTU degree will have no value when applying for foreign universities..Clear instigation and causing fear amongst students...

For your information, after the conversion to DTU and in spite of the unjustified student agitation, here are the latest rankings:

What do you say now? D'oh. DTU continues to make waves, for the first time there are tie-up with reputed Institutes/Universities, MoU's with companies like Lockheed Martin, the list goes on. It is only the sickos like you (who are a clear minority now), who see everything wrong out there. Based on facts, ALL IZZ WELL and rocking! Stop being a Space Cadet, Wake up!

Enough for the day....

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

People here do not know that the details of the tie-up with lockeed martin were not to be let loose as part of the agreement but this blogger and PB/Pabbu (whatever you call him does it matter at least their should be freedom on the web or do the authoritis not approve of that also) breech this but due to some kindness they have not breeched their agreement but things like these continue then aglasem will put the whole agreement online only and then maybe they also think of breaking away from their promises! Ankit babbar's nomination was only rejected i hope the blogger meets him one day and hopefully realises his mistakes !