Sunday, October 3, 2010


Took a while going through the posts unleashed by Prashant Baveja. Congratulations Prashant! You seem to have a solution for all the problems, I stand impressed.....

But how exactly do you think your suggestions are practical? Are ideas the only seed towards accomplishing something? I know its far too easy to look around where you are...and compare the two parallel worlds. But IMHO, it is a wrong thing to do. The very premise of arguments itself is such a world apart, that it makes no sense to apply lessons of the west to the east. The only way to learn is ourselves, and I think we are doing a pretty good job of it. Inspite of all the poverty around us, all the corruption, all the chaos of incompetent government offices and officials, things do happen. We continue to march forward and claim the 4th spot in the world. The same commonwealth which was much ill-publicized opened to a grand spectacle. My friend Prashant, here is a message for scores like you, who take some sadistic pleasure in taking a dig at your own country and your own alma-mater:

Yes, India has poverty. Yes, we spent a lot on Commonwealth Games. Yes, Corruption is out there. But India is on the move. Growing faster than most of the "once" developed world. We are the 4th largest economy despite low per capita income (not on PPP basis). UK (the commonwealth head state) especially gets more investment from India than vice versa (that when they have been the biggest thugs and mass murderers in not so distant history). Events like Commonwealth Games 2010 bring about investments in infrastructure and benefits for many years beyond the games.

As an Indian I am proud of the fact that for a change, the world is worried, jealous and awed by the sheer demonstration of YES WE CAN by Indians. My way of dealing with it: We ignore you and move forward. Jai Ho.

And then, can you please give up on the fact that Hon'ble V.C is reading this, or has any role whatsoever behind anything published here. When I hardly find time to respond to your trilogy, how on earth can I imagine PBS Sir to even know that you exist anymore! I'm an alumni just like you, and yes there has been voluntary participation by many of the current students and alumni's who sent us information (information about you being an example). The threat to you is from your Karma's, not from anybody else.

I can't find time to reply to all the madness you unleashed, majority of which I reject as mere speculation and suggestions. There is no proof or evidence behind anything you said, but they do make some interesting arguments. I will only have time to cover a few:

  • Innovation/Ramblings about US Universities: We don't disagree with you on this, they do have some of the best innovations happening out there. The research programs are well-funded, well organized, and they deliver. But then, everything has a humble beginning, we are making ours. Rather than being proud of what we have achieved on our own (read: zero external funding, zero external consultancy and academicians, well you know them!), you want to compare it with the west? I, for one, would not do that. I would encourage these students to better on what they have achieved and move forward. After all, it takes one Ashutosh Saxena to do it @ Cornell my friend (and one Prashant Baveja to do it @ Rochester!). We have done this: and we should be PROUD of it. A small step towards the end, is surely better off than not starting at all! Let's give ourselves some time...after all, what logic can dictate comparison of a University established in 1865 with a University established in 2010?!
  • Bio-Diesel: While I don't have much of this, I do know that the value of the project lies in the seed it uses. True bio-diesel is not a new concept, but the breakthrough here is to be able to make it out of Jatropa seeds and the form-factor of the reactor. Sadly, the project is led by some very incompetent people like NK, but then it is an important research on its own in the context of India. I also understand that not much has been done to take the project forward, but this responsibility should/must lie with the lead researcher, not PBS. He provided all he could to take the project forward.
  • Toy Cars: Thank you for appreciating the honest efforts of the students, isn't it good enough that amongst the rankings you posted on your blog, DTU is the only Asian University mentioned? At least we are doing things, and we must laud the efforts, rather than calling them toy cars. One of these students shall one day do great stuff @ Cornell and MIT. We at least were able to provide an initiative as an Institute, we provided an opportunity and for this alone, the Administration along with the faculty members involved should be praised and respected.
Prashant, only if more people could have ideas and proposals like you. But our faculty (and each one of them, you know, I know) just do not have the motivation and spirit to do something good. There are exceptions like RKS (with whom you have been closely associated), but clearly there is need for more like him. There is a pressing need for our faculty to indulge, participate and set examples in the field of Academics (and not stand with banners or instigate innocent students).

An institute is not a one man show, but sadly DTU has to be run that way. Let us hope more people get inspired and work together to take it to greater heights. The top most agenda on the minds of our faculty is attacking an individual who is trying to do something good. You can have your views, (and if expressed in a respectable and dignified manner are fully acceptable), the current fact is: DCE has moved on, moved on to DTU, towards autonomy, towards greater opportunities. Me and you see it in opposite ways, you being pessimistic and negative about it, and me optimistic. I don't see any fears cited during the protest coming true (Placements/Ranking etc), which is a sigh of relief. 

There will be rumors, and things passed around. As with anything else in India, we will stumble and overcome. Have a good day.


- IITB Incubator: I looked at the IITB Incubator website, I am CONFIDENT we will be better off in 10 years time. 
- Democracy: This is democracy, and all views are respected. But an abuse is an abuse is an abuse, Period. And abuse is an offence, and has no place in any democracy.
- Lathi Charge: If the students go on their own and try to gatecrash into 10 Janpath, when a sensitive convention is going on, what do you expect Delhi Police to do? There Police morons know only one way, LATHI. If  PBS had so much control, he would prevent the students from reaching there in the first place. On the same facebook where you revel, there were (now deleted) posts that mentioned the instigation that was done by the student leaders. And anyways, down with Delhi Police...I join you in it. It was a yet another shameful demonstration of the abuse police does everyday. FYI, a strong protest was registered with the Delhi Police for this action by DTU Administration and the DTU Admin was pivotal in getting the student leaders out of the jail (as reported in media).
- You may find this interesting too: Sadly, all the good advice you gave on your blog, is being given right inside the campus now ;) But good job none the less, I'm sure it helps people out there.

Enough for the day.


light fades away said...

my dear friend

I could probably write another long post, especially since I am on a break today due to downtime at my lab but I see that will not solve anything.. the point is we are two different sides of the same coin

You feel proud about a TOY SHERA whereas I see it as a minor achievement being extolled beyond reason. That toy incorporates well know tech involving motion sensors, possibly pressure sensors, actuators, sound and LED circuits which are available off the shelf.. A real innovation would have been something which moves and has 3-D freedom of motion. And yes, those students made it but soo much hooplah about something so minor is actually the fundamental flaw we face as a nation. this is exactly why I got involved in DTU debate. It is actually a nothing, a void made to look like something big that an act needs to brought up in the parliament to enact it..

like i said before, I raised my point, I was abused, then I abused then you abused then I abused and finally this cycle seems to be ending.. so I dont need a new post anymore.. this matter is under judicial review and I am sure judiciary will do the right thing (whatever it is). That is the last bastion against corruption that still stands in our country..

small pointers :

1. ) My karma is defined by me and I take responsibility for it. However HOn. V.C. has to reply for his 'KARMA' sooner than me.. I wish him all the best

2. ) In the near future, I will write him an open letter, detailing what all happened, my reservation against DTU and his actions..

3.) I hope your confidence translates into something useful.. Spirit of entrepreneurship has been around in DCE forever. I hope it fosters into something useful. I however KNOW that it will not

4.) The US university fair that you feel happy about, kindly check the credentials of those universities.. These are exactly those universities which consultants in INDIA use to get fake I20s for kids. Kids going to these schools end up in gas stations or driving cabs and get shot.. depressing but true. I would not take what they say on face value and neither should anybody.. this is why I paste this on your more popular blog as well

5.) your blog now comes at number 10 while searching for my name.. It will go down.. but it is something I am proud of and always will be

6.) I will be back in 6-8 months from now.. 2-3 more good papers later and we will compare and contrast what DTU has achieved vs what I have achieved.. All my achievements (my papers have author bio and In all my bios I am a student of DCE and forever will be) are dedicated to DCE and forever will be.. Like always I denounce this conversion in strictest of terms


and be well


Aman said...

"You feel proud about a TOY SHERA whereas I see it as a minor achievement being extolled beyond reason."

if asked to you, forget about 3D but you will even not be able to make a copy of the original v. shera.

"this matter is under judicial review and I am sure judiciary will do the right thing.". I Agree, so please stop all these discussion till then.

light fades away said...

well if it is about me, then my time and talents arent well spent in making toys, I work on real tech which people are still thinking about and so am I.. but back in the day, I could easily have made such a project...and dont take a pot shot at my credibility and capability.. while it is proven with out doubt, that of DTU and people associated with this blog, not so much...

I have stopped any further discussion on this matter in my blogspot.. time and again people with fake facebook profile try to gain access to my profile which is why I am still a little active on facebook