Monday, September 20, 2010

The email campaign of lies...and what's next guys?

Hi Everyone,

First of all...we haven't been able to update the blog or publish some of your comments out here. The reason is that unlike Shri Baveja or Shri Baraiya or Shri Babbar, we have better things to do in life. These three and the gang are aggressively pursuing just one agenda, Removal of Prof P.B.S as V.C.

It is a worrying trend in our country, where V.C of a University is being targeted without any show of respect and almost always, without a genuine cause.

Take for example Delhi University, where Prof. Pental introduced semester system, a global standard which ensures classes and course delivery can happen in a structured fashion and evaluation be spread over multiple phases. It is a step in absolute right direction, and look what happened? The DUTA stood up against it. Why? Well..they will have to teach throughout the year (rather than finishing course towards the end of the year), Semester system introduces more scrutiny towards the performance of teachers and makes them more accountable. It is indeed sad to see the lowest level to which DUTA has fallen...The single point agenda is to: Eliminate the individual who brings a positive change!

Jadavpur University: The plan to introduce CCTV and mandatory declaration of Identity Card became an issue. Why? Every University has the right to restrict entry to its premises if there is credible evidence of malicious activities by external elements. From BBC:

University authorities do not admit publicly that Maoist activities in the Jadavpur campus is the cause for planning a CCTV network.

But unofficially they say that a recent press conference held by a Maoist leader in the university premises - at a time when the police was trying to arrest her - may have provoked the authorities to improve the security arrangements.

Isn't that reason enough!? Who is it protesting then, students backed by Maoists? Sure enough! Anyone with a clean intention will never mind going through such routine measures, if it ensures better security and prevention of anti-national activities inside the campus. What was the agenda then? Eliminate the individual who brings a positive change! (Prof Sharma, if you ever read this: Please introduce the same system at DTU! We really need to keep the Flammable Substances away from the campus, they continue to burn with frustration seeing you there)

This is pretty much the story @ DTU as well. We have witnessed several of the veteran Faculty Members now openly protesting against the V.C. All of these, were at some point very close to the man they are now shouting "Hai Hai" against. The agenda in the disguise of car parking, dean position etc is again the same: Eliminate the individual who brings a positive change! DTU continues to create waves, when it comes to National Rankings, Record Placements, Eminent Visitors, New Faculty Members and so on.... (more in our next post).

I personally am not surprised to see the individuals from the faculty who are leading this right now, but I am pained to see one particular faculty member amongst them (someone whom I highly value and respect). It is because of him, that I believe there must be some genuine issue that the administration can/must resolve. The credentials of the other two are well known, since none exist! Sir, you really don't look good in the company you have chosen, even if you strongly feel about the cause. THEY are no match for YOU! Those two look fine standing outside the Admin office and shouting slogan, at last they finally have something to do!! But not YOU Sir, we need you to continue the great job you have been doing in Research and Innovation, we need you to set a great example for the new generation of teachers who have joined DTU. You are exactly the role model they need, except the happenings of the last few weeks. We sincerely hope the grievances are resolved ASAP, and at least you withdraw your role from this baseless shouting match.

There has been a mail circulated through the Save DCE Facebook page, we shall publish the response to that in our next posting. Rest assured Save DCE wallahs, you will fail again! The numbers and facts speak, NOT YOUR LIES!

Mr Prashant Baveja, we are choosing not to respond to your self-boasting and idiotic posts and comments. You clearly aren't worthy of the time we have already spent on you. The right opportunity, shall be the the moment of strike. It is only a matter of time, before your own doings reflect in your listed credentials. We did not mean to attack you really, but what you did on SaveDCE facebook group is shameful. You indeed spread lies, instigated students and abused the head of your alma mater. This alone demonstrates your integrity and credibility. You shall be sorry, because we live our life carrying all our karma's on our shoulder (and this one will weigh heavy on you).

1 comment:

Just a Thought said...

Thank God that you wrote this..

"It is because of him, that I believe there must be some genuine issue that the administration can/must resolve"

There are very few committed and inspiring individuals in our institution.. and losing them/ their trust (whatever the reasons be) is not something that bodes well for the future..

I personally have seen him work and work like no other (even Prof. PBS).. The man deserves much more than even what he was before all this "Save DCE" thing happened..

I do really hope that the administration takes these facts into consideration.. And if there is anything that is stopping them from reverting back, then I guess we should better stop calling ourselves a progressive university..